Adorable tiny horse steals the spotlight anytime mom brings camera out
This made me chuckle - his antics are so darn cute!
Jake Zabski

Alvin may be the smallest horse on the farm, but he makes up for it with his larger-than-life personality!

Being small isn’t so bad

When we think of horses, we often are whisked away to images of horses galloping in a large meadow or riding a horse at a farm.

Alvin, a 10-year-old Shetland pony, may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a majestic, large horse.

Youtube Screenshot - The Dodo
Youtube Screenshot - The Dodo

Alvin lives on a farm in Sweden and is taken care of by farm owner Paulina Tufvesson.

On Paulina’s farm, she primarily trains horses but she also takes care of sheep and dogs.

Alvin is the smallest horse on the farm, but he sure does not act like it.

Alvin loves the spotlight

Paulina often takes videos and pictures of the animals on her farm.

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Whenever the camera is taken out, Alvin immediately switches into celebrity mode.

He will find any way to be on camera, whether it’s sitting on a rock or jumping around on his hind legs.

“He will do anything he can to make sure he is in the frame,” Paulina shared with The Dodo.

Youtube Screenshot - The Dodo
Youtube Screenshot - The Dodo

The spotlight wasn’t always on

Even though Alvin has a big personality, he was not always this way.

When Paulina first met Alvin, she knew something was special about him.

He was a bit shy upon their first meeting, but Paulina knew she could get him out of his shell.

Youtube Screenshot - The Dodo
Youtube Screenshot - The Dodo

With Paulina’s expertise in animal training, Alvin presented himself to her as a new challenge.

She was going to help him overcome his fears of people!

Alvin slowly opens up

Paulina was already using clicker training to train her farm dogs.

Paulina thought that Alvin could respond to the clicker training, so she had the idea to use the training methods on him.

She knew it would take a lot of time and patience, but she knew it was worth a shot.

Youtube Screensh0t - The Dodo
Youtube Screensh0t - The Dodo

As Alvin became more accustomed to the clicker training, this helped him get over his fears of humans.

Paulina was excited to see his progress and believed that if he was not trained, he would not be the horse he is today.

The training also helped bond Paulina and Alvin together, and now they are inseparable!

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Alvin is thriving!

Since being trained, Alvin is able to run around on his own and has even befriended the sheep on the farm.

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Paulina believes that Alvin’s friendship with the sheep comes from the fact that he’s bigger than them, whereas the horses he tends to shy away from them, as they’re so much bigger than him.

With the sheep, Alvin feels at home!

Nowadays, Alvin is no longer the shy and insecure horse that he once was.

Alvin has found his place on the farm and in the hearts of many worldwide as he’s a social media celebrity!

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Youtube Screenshot -

You can see more of Alvin’s adventures on social media where he has 185K followers.

For a good pick-me-up, watch Alvin’s journey below!

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