Orphan puppy was so paralyzed in fear she would cower in a corner to try to 'disappear'
She didn't even want to make eye contact with anyone.
Megan Bennett

Since the launch of YouTube in 2005 there have been hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of animal videos uploaded.

Most of them are fun and lighthearted, but some of them are quite sad.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

This video starts out as one of the sad ones, but things get better in the end.

At the start of the video, we are introduced to Annie, a beautiful but terrified dog that had just been rescued from the streets and was now living in an animal shelter.

Since she was a stray there were no 100% facts about her life but vets guessed her to be a Redbone Coonhound Mix that was just over 1 year old.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

Annie is having her arrival video shot by the woman that runs the shelter’s adoption program, and it is unbelievably sad.

The poor dog is so absolutely terrified that she had made herself as small as possible and curled up into the corner of her enclosure.

Her whole body is shaking and she is too scared to even look up at the camera.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

She settled in after a little while but remained very scared and closed off.

Luckily for her though, someone saw in her the amazing dog she could become if she was given a chance, and so she was soon adopted.

Even in her new home, Annie kept to herself and stayed in the corner as she took in her new surroundings and tried to get comfortable.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

Redbone Coonhounds are known to be very affectionate and great with people of all ages as well as other dogs.

And luckily for Annie, she has a new Pug brother to welcome her and make her feel more at ease in the house.

It took some time, but eventually, Annie grew more comfortable and confident in her surroundings.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

She loves playing with her brother and chasing him around the backyard.

Though there is still some work that needs to be done to help her thrive, she is in the hands of someone who knows how to care for her, and who is willing to put in the effort so she can be the best dog she possibly can be.

Whether an animal comes from a place of trauma or not though, there is no surefire way to guarantee a smooth adoption transition.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

There is a guideline though, that can help predict when certain things may happen; this is the rule of 3-3-3.

For the first 3 days after adoption into a new home, many dogs will feel totally overwhelmed and scared, they may not eat or drink much and may want to hide away in their crates.

After about 3 weeks, many dogs start to feel more comfortable and their true personalities can start to come out.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

3 months after adoption is usually when a dog feels completely comfortable and settled into its new home.

While many dogs do tend to follow this general rule, not all dogs will and that is ok.

As long as you consistently show your new best friend that they are safe and secure with you, they will eventually realize this and become the sweet loving animal they were always meant to be.

Youtube - Animal Rescue
Youtube - Animal Rescue

Watch Annie progress from terrified to comfortable in the video linked below.

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