Desperate terminally ill man’s final wish is to find a home for his beloved dog
This is so sad.
Michael Dabu

David Fine, a 63-year-old Massachusetts man, is on a heartfelt mission to find a new home for his beloved dog, Babs.

This mission is driven by his terminal illness, a stark reality he faces with a blend of courage and love.

Babs, a Shar-Pei Boxer mix, has been David’s faithful companion for nearly a decade, and ensuring her future well-being is now his top priority.

As David grapples with his health, the urgency of securing a safe and loving environment for Babs becomes even more pressing.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

Nearly ten years ago, David rescued Babs under circumstances that hint at the resilience and fortitude of both man and dog.

Babs had been given up twice before a friend reached out to David, asking if he could take her in, at least temporarily.

What was meant to be a short stay in his garage turned into a long-lasting companionship, filled with mutual affection and support.

Their bond has only grown stronger over the years, with Babs providing comfort and joy through some of David’s most challenging times.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

Today, David’s health is rapidly declining.

Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and suffering from vascular disease, his physical condition has severely deteriorated.

Despite his options for aggressive treatments, David has chosen to prioritize the quality of life, opting for a path that allows him to spend his remaining days in relative peace and comfort.

This decision demonstrates his acceptance of his prognosis, with doctors having given him a mere six months to live—an estimate that came five months ago.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

With time slipping away, David’s thoughts increasingly turn to Babs and her future.

His greatest wish, as he faces the end of his life, is to find a forever home for his cherished dog.

David’s requirements for this new home are specific: Babs should be the only pet in a household without small children.

This, he believes, would provide her with the stability and attention she deserves, ensuring she continues to live a happy and contented life.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

The prospect of rehoming Babs is not just a practical necessity but an emotional imperative for David.

The deep bond they share makes the idea of leaving her behind almost unbearable.

However, his love for Babs compels him to take this difficult step, believing that securing her future in a caring environment is the most important thing he can do for her now.

He hopes to be part of the transition process, easing her into her new home and helping her adjust to life without him.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

David’s story is one of profound love and dedication.

Despite his own suffering, his thoughts remain firmly fixed on Babs’ well-being.

He has expressed immense gratitude for anyone who might step forward to take care of her, recognizing that such an act of kindness would bring him a great deal of peace.

Knowing Babs is in a loving home would undoubtedly be a source of comfort in his final days.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

The relationship between David and Babs is proof of the enduring connection that can exist between humans and their pets.

Babs has been more than just a pet to David; she has been a steadfast companion, a source of unwavering love, and a pillar of emotional support.

This bond underscores the importance of finding a home where she will continue to receive the love and care she has always known.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

As David reaches out to the community for help, his plea is simple yet deeply moving.

He seeks someone who can offer Babs the same kind of love and stability he has provided for the past ten years.

For David, knowing that Babs is safe and happy would be the ultimate fulfillment of his dying wish.

It is a wish rooted in love, kindness, and an enduring sense of responsibility toward his loyal friend.

YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR
YouTube - NBC 10 WJAR

In the face of his terminal illness, David Fine’s story shines as an example of selfless love and dedication.

His efforts to secure a new home for Babs speak volumes about the depth of their relationship and his unwavering commitment to her well-being.

As he continues his search, he remains hopeful that someone will open their heart and home to Babs, providing her with the care and love she deserves in the years to come.

Learn more about Babs and David in the video below.

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