Sweet dog cuddles rescued orphan fawn to make sure they feel safe
She knew she could care for the orphaned fawn, but didn't know she would have so much help from her German Shepherd too.
Naomi Lai

German Shepherds make great guard dogs. They’re smart, loyal, and have a strong instinct to protect their owners. That’s why they often become police officers!

They seem tough on the outside, but on the inside they’re just big, soft, loving puppies.

Sarge is one such German Shepherd who looks tough but showed his true colors as a big softie when his owner brought home an orphaned and injured fawn.

Cheryl Stephen, Sarge’s owner, caught the exchange on camera and shared the adorable photos to Instagram.

She ended up adopting the little fawn and brought him home to her hobby farm.

“I’ve been bringing home strays since I was a little girl and I’ve never stopped. I have two sons and they are animal-lovers too,” Cheryl told Bored Panda.

Cheryl cares for lots of different animals including a rooster, a hen, some racing pigeons, a horse, and a goat in addition to a whole pack of rescue dogs. She even adopted an adorable red squirrel recently.

It’s really a mixed bag!

Cheryl tends to keep mixed-breed pups, but made an exception for full-breed Sarge nine years ago.

He was a bit mischievous as a puppy, like many German Shepherds are, and was a fan of playing tag and biting the toes of unsuspecting house members.

Someone contacted Cheryl after finding a baby deer in the middle of the road on its own. She had been hit by a car and was badly injured. Knowing that Cheryl is an animal lover and serial animal-adopter, she seemed like the perfect call. She would know what to do!

They kept a close eye and waited for the fawn’s mother to come for her, but it never happened, so Cheryl brought her home to take care of.

As soon as Sarge met the little fawn, his guard dog sensors were immediately switched on and he became a caretaker.

He and the little fawn are now inseparable and she’s made a good recovery.

And even though she doesn’t need as much protecting now that she’s healed, Sarge is still at her side every step of the way! They’re like two unlikely peas in a pod.

She even brings some friends around sometimes, but of course there’s always room on the farm for visitors.

“Mom, can I have some friends over today?”

Cheryl has a popular Instagram page where she shares the goings-on of her little farm. It’s named after Bucky, a cow she rescued from becoming veal at an auction.

He’s grown up to be a lot bigger than the other animals on the farm, but it doesn’t stop him from coming to play inside the house!

Cheryl loves her hobby farm and gets to make sure these rescue animals live out the rest of their lives to the fullest.

“We aren’t an ‘official’ sanctuary and we don’t take donations. We just love animals.” – Cheryl Stephen

The orphaned fawn is now living her best life surrounded by other creatures, and gets lots of love from everyone including Sarge… and Cheryl, of course!

For Sarge, it was love at first sight with the little fawn. And now he helps to take care of the other rescue animals too.

That’s one good boy!

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