One of the best things about being a dog owner is having funny, wonderful surprises to look forward to.
Dogs are intelligent, highly trainable, fiercely loyal, protective, and irresistibly adorable. Behind their stunning physiques lie playful temperaments and unique characteristics that will have you laughing and shaking your head.

The ability to remember commands and respond promptly are standout traits of canines, but they also have so much more to offer than just their competent obedience.

Dogs are pretty darn talented, too! Check out what this Teacup Chihuahua can do.
In the video description, the proud mom of the tiny dog writes,
“Beanie, my chihuahua singing along with my father to a song he made specially for her.”

The short description tells you two things. First, that’s one incredible pet right there! A dog singing along is a sight to behold; something you’d definitely want to hear. The second? Beanie is obviously spoiled with a whole lot of love, affection, and attention.
For her dad to actually make up a song just for her? No doubt he had his heart stolen by the talented Chihuahua.

Before enjoying Beanie’s performance, here’s a little background on the breed.
Those who aren’t too familiar with the Chihuahua will be surprised to know that the Teacup Chihuahua is not a different breed; nor is it a version of the main breed. It’s a mere description that refers to adult Chihuahuas with smaller dimensions compared to the standard ones.
(Source: Animalso)

While size is the most distinctive feature of Chihuahuas, there’s so much more to the tiny dog than meets the eye.

They’re significantly easier to pick up after, and they’re known for their quirky, entertaining ways. If you’re always running on a busy schedule, you’ll appreciate the fact that Chihuahuas don’t need as much exercise as most dogs do. And on your days off when you need to unwind or feel like going on a trip, you’ll appreciate how Chihuahuas fare well during travel.
You’ll have to keep a close eye on this small dog, too. This breed is known to be physically fragile.

Other than that, you’ll absolutely enjoy raising this sunshine-loving breed in your home.

Beanie’s little show will convince you of just how delightful Chihuahuas can be.

Looking comfortable on her spot inside a car, the sweet Chihuahua wearing a pretty, patterned dress keeps her eye on her dad, waiting for him to sing so she can howl along.
The minute he starts singing the song he wrote especially for her, Beanie joins in.

Check out the adorable, slow blinking she does as she sings. Talk about a true performer!

Without missing a beat, Beanie even occasionally looks straight into the camera.
We’ve never seen a Teacup Chihuahua try to keep up with someone else’s singing, or rock an outfit the way Beanie does.
She’s definitely a star in the making. How she stays in place and remains calm and composed as she sings her heart out is nothing short of impressive, too.

Press play and let this tiny, talented one make your day.
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