Sweet cat was nearly euthanized for not being ‘pretty enough’
The vet said she was too ugly to be adopted.
Luis Gaskell

Cats can’t get Down syndrome, but some of them can develop conditions that look a lot like it.

When that happens, the stigma they receive isn’t too different from that of a person.

This is Willow, a cat who was almost put down for having a facial deformity resembling Down syndrome.

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YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

Willow doesn’t look like most cats. She has facial features like what you’d find when someone has Down syndrome. The slanted eyes and flat nasal profile are hard to overlook.

But Willow doesn’t deserve a happy life and a home any less than other cats. A lot of pet facilities and shelters may not agree, though.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

So that’s how Willow’s fame began. She was the different cat who almost didn’t make it.

Willow was found by 50-year-old Lori Farris. She found Willow as a kitten at her doorstep.

Lori bathed the poor cat and took her in for a while.

She then sought out a vet clinic to take little Willow to.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

The feedback from the vet wasn’t exactly positive.

Willow was suffering from a nasty infection besides already having a funny face.

With those things in mind, the vet suggested they just have the cat put down. Really? This poor little thing?

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

And of all the reasons the vet provided, it was that “She wasn’t pretty enough for anyone to adopt.” That’s a pretty strong sentence, isn’t it?

It’s a good thing Lofi didn’t let them do that. Willow ended up getting to have a wonderful life as an adult cat, and it was all thanks to people who looked past her appearance and condition.

Sure, she may look a bit funny, but it’s cute, you know?

In fact, the world seems to agree. Willow is a pretty adorable cat.

Her wide face, small eyes, and little nose are undeniably cute.

Can you imagine if they had her put down?

Now that she’s on Instagram with hundreds of thousands of followers, I think we can put to rest the idea that she wasn’t “pretty enough” to be desirable.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

If social media engagement is anything to go by, she’s one of the most desired cats you could look for.

Every post of hers gets a couple of thousand likes.

And the comments? People are absolutely smitten over her.

“Such an adorable little face” one comment read. “Awwwww…such a sweetie “ said another.

Willow has numerous photoshoots outside, including some where she wears written signs around her neck.

Probably the most important one she wore read, “You never look good trying to make someone else look bad.” Those are words to live by, right, Willow?

Besides, we’re all a bit different.

That doesn’t mean we’re any less deserving of love, right?

At least Willow knows, in one way or another, that there’s more than one person out there who thinks she’s worth loving.

Watch this short little video of Willow down below. Doesn’t she just look precious?

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