Studies show that dogs can tell if someone is a ‘bad’ or ‘untrustworthy’ person
Our canine friends are more perceptive than we may realize.
Jake Manning

Have you ever noticed how your dog seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to judging people?

It’s a common belief that dogs can sense the true nature of humans.

If your furry friend reacts negatively to someone new, it’s not unusual for you to feel a bit wary of that person too.

In fact, some people take their dog’s opinion so seriously that they might reconsider dating someone if their pet doesn’t approve.


Is this an overreaction? Well, opinions vary.

The debate on whether it’s right or wrong to trust our pet’s judgment is ongoing, but one thing is clear: many of us deeply value our pets’ opinions.

And now, to the delight of pet owners everywhere, research is starting to back up the idea that our furry friends might actually be onto something.


Dogs are known for their ability to understand human gestures, like pointing.

When a person points at something, dogs usually get the hint and look in that direction.

They’re pretty clever in that way.


A fascinating study took this a step further by considering the reliability of the person doing the pointing.

The researchers wanted to find out if dogs would change their behavior based on whether they trust a person.

They conducted several tests where a person would point to a container, sometimes with a treat inside and sometimes empty.


The dogs would then check out the container.

The results were intriguing.

When a person repeatedly pointed to an empty container, the dogs began to lose trust in that person and stopped following their cues.

However, they continued to trust and follow the pointing of someone who consistently led them to treats.


The conclusion of this study was quite remarkable: dogs are capable of making accurate judgments about a person’s reliability and will adjust their behavior accordingly.

This finding suggests that dogs are not only intelligent but also discerning when it comes to human behavior.


Another study shed light on dogs’ ability to perceive human interactions.

In this experiment, a dog owner would ask two researchers for help opening a jar.

One researcher would help, while the other would refuse.

The dog watched this interaction and was then offered treats by both researchers.


The dogs tended to accept treats from the helpful researcher and reject the one who was rude to their owner.

This indicates that dogs don’t just detect untrustworthy behavior; they also understand and respond to basic human social norms, preferring to avoid those who mistreat their owners.

Dogs have also been shown to differentiate between happy and angry human faces, though it’s still unclear if they grasp the full meaning of these expressions.


Nevertheless, the bond between humans and dogs is undeniably special and has been for centuries.

The more we learn about dogs through these studies, the more evident it becomes that they are incredibly perceptive animals, adept at picking up social cues and interpreting human gestures.

So, the next time your dog barks at someone, it might be worth considering that they could be seeing something you don’t.

Watch this fascinating study in the video below!

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