Stray cats are generally some of the most skittish animals around. It’s almost impossible to catch a stray cat that doesn’t want to be caught.
But once in a while, a stray cat will decide that they’re ready to be an indoor cat.

Who would have known that the best way to save a stray kitty was to bring a dog out?!
Despite the “cat caricature” that exists for strays, many of them still want the love and affection of a human (or any other creature). When there is a cat like that, we often see them showing up on porches looking for food and head scratches!
When that happens, you don’t adopt the cat; it adopts you!

For one man, adopting a cat was nowhere on his radar. One stray kitty that decided to follow him home one day had a different idea. When a cat decides to adopt you, you don’t have a say in the matter!
A few years ago, Jon Jienaber was out walking his dog.

While on a daily walk, Jon happened to notice a tiny stray kitten wandering around the street.
He looked at the situation sadly as they weren’t close enough to be able to do anything for the kitten. The poor little guy was just a small blip on his radar of things to do.
Something strange happened soon, however.
Continuing on his walk, he turned around and saw another little kitten! Wait, this was the same kitten. Realization dawned on him. The little stray was secretly following him home! A kitty was stalking him!
Calling his wife, he asked her to be ready with food.

Frantically running around, Leslie, Jon’s wife, tried to find some cat food they could use to tempt the kitty closer. When they finally got to the house, they didn’t want to turn around and scare the little cat away and be unable to help him.
When they finally arrived, the cat showed none of the reservations they were expecting!
This smart cat wasn’t just looking for someone to follow for fun; it was choosing its new family!
Leslie was able to hold the little cat and it “was so small that it could easily fit in her palm.”

The couple lives in Cleveland, Ohio, where stray cats are abundant.
While there are lots of stray cats out there, none of them followed them home like this one did! When Jon first arrived with the cat in tow, Leslie was able to grab a bit of video.
The little cat seemed to have an affinity for their basset hound!

Since Jon and Leslie had a house full of pets, they couldn’t take the kitten in themselves. But they were still determined to find him a forever home.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long to find the kitten a home. Leslie’s sister, Sarah, decided to adopt the kitten, and she named him Pinot. Since Pinot was staying in the family, Leslie, Jon, and their pup were able to visit the kitten often. We’re so glad they were able to find the kitten the perfect forever home.
Check out the cute video of the kitten following Jon and his dog below!
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