Stray dog who’s never been inside before hovers in doorway and refuses to come in
He didn't understand that he was finally safe.
Elijah Chan

It’s heartbreaking to see dogs being anxious about their surroundings as if they’ve forgotten what it’s like to be adventurous, curious, and playful.

Samantha Zimmer and her friends rescued a group of dogs in Houston, Texas. These dogs were averse to humans and were very anxious.

It made it difficult for them to take the dogs in, especially when they were racing against time.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

The dogs were found frolicking in the parking area of a local bank.

Samantha shared with The Dodo that temperatures will plummet that night and it might be deadly for the stray dogs.

They managed to trap the three dogs but one of them is especially cautious. The spotted terrier mix was content just looking at the food even if it was clear that he wanted to take a bite.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

His friends entered the traps just fine and they were extracted with little trouble. The team eventually had to come back for the dog and waited patiently for him to be trapped.

Once they snagged the dog, they drove him to Samantha’s place.

They named the dog Boomer, and the moment they placed Boomer inside the house, they noticed something about his habits.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

He had his head low and he was awkwardly scooting close to the door. It was as if he didn’t want to be inside the house or any house for that matter.

At one point, it seemed like Boomer was being stopped by an invisible force field.

In the video, Samantha can be heard coaxing the anxious Boomer to step across the threshold. Boomer kept on taking a step forward and then stopping. The way he stops himself from lunging shows that he wanted to come inside.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

He even raised his paw as if reaching inside and toward Samantha. But Samantha didn’t give up. She wanted Boomer to learn that it was okay to come inside, that it was his house, and that the indoors are safe.

Then, mustering all of his strength and courage, Boomer finally took a step inside the house.

It’s still a long way for him confidence-wise, but Samantha believes that he’s getting there. Boomer is slowly growing to trust his foster parents.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Samantha shares that whenever Boomer feels anxious or scared, he always asks them to hold his paw.

He’d offer it and wait for them to hold on to it.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

“He’s just a dog with not a lot of confidence.” Samantha said to The Dodo, “But he’ll learn that the world is not such a scary place.”

People shared their encouraging words for Boomer.

“It’s so heartbreaking to see these dogs at the beginning of the video, but the transformation they undergo is simply amazing. Boomer, I hope you find every bit of the love you deserve,” said one commenter.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

“The smile on Boomer’s face shows that we should never give up on any animal that had a difficult start in life. Here’s wishing him a loving, forever home,” said another.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Hopefully, as Boomer learns what it feels like to be loved and cared for, he’ll continue to open up so he can find the perfect family for him.

Watch how this dog reacts when he steps through the door for the first time.

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