Stray cat follows woman and little dog on walk and begs them to take her home
Mila could tell these two would take care of her.
Jenny Brown

Every morning and evening, like clockwork, a stray cat awaited a particular dog and her owner, Jeniffer. This feline, aware of their routine, would eagerly jump out from her hiding spot, the moment she heard them approach.

The cat’s persistence was evident, as she would follow the dog, named Mila, closely, often rubbing against her and seeking her attention.

The cat’s fondness for Mila was undeniable, and she seemed to have made it her mission to be a part of their daily walks.

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The cat’s attachment to Mila was so strong that she often invaded the dog’s personal space.

There were instances where the cat would halt, turn, and fixate her gaze on Jeniffer, compelling her to lift Mila and carry her home.

The journey back was often interrupted by the cat’s antics, making it nearly impossible for them to reach their house without a feline escort.

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As days turned colder, the cat’s visits to Jeniffer’s patio became more frequent.

Sensing the cat’s discomfort during the winter, Jeniffer, who had never been particularly fond of cats, made a spontaneous decision to let her in.

This was a significant step, especially considering she had never been around cats, let alone touched one.

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The indoors were unfamiliar territory for the stray. While she wasn’t afraid of Mila, she was wary of her new surroundings and Jeniffer.

However, Mila, ever the gracious host, did her utmost to make the cat feel at ease.

Over time, the cat began to acclimate to indoor life, and her bond with Mila only grew stronger.

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The dynamics between Mila and the cat, now named Mika, remained unchanged, whether they were indoors or out.

Their bond was evident in the way they played and interacted.

Mika’s grooming habits, initially puzzling to Mila, soon became a shared activity. The two animals, once strangers, had now become inseparable, behaving more like sisters than different species.

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Their playful antics were a sight to behold. Mika’s grooming of Mila initially left the dog perplexed.

However, as weeks turned into months, Mila began reciprocating the affection, grooming Mika in return.

Their relationship had evolved into one of mutual respect and affection, making them the epitome of unlikely friendships.

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The owner once attempted to recreate their outdoor adventures, seeing if Mika would be interested in joining Mila for a walk.

However, Mika seemed content staying indoors, perhaps cherishing the warmth and safety it provided.

This was a stark contrast to the cat that once relentlessly followed them around.

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Jeniffer’s perception of cats underwent a profound transformation, all thanks to Mika.

“I was definitely not a cat person. I never ever wanted a cat. Next thing you know I’m a cat lady now and I think she’s so adorable. She helped me change my mind about cats. She found us and she decided she’s going to make herself ours and it worked,” Jeniffer told The Dodo.

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From someone who never desired a cat, she had now become a self-proclaimed “cat lady,” completely smitten by Mika’s charm.

Mika’s decision to adopt them had indeed changed their lives in ways they hadn’t imagined.

Check out the trio’s full story in the video below!

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