Touching Friendship Between Special Needs Kitten And Piglet
Trust me, the videos are even cuter. <3
Britanie Leclair

Rancho Relaxo is a non-profit rescue farm founded by Caitlin Cimini. According to the Rancho Relaxo website, Caitlin was inspired to start rescuing animals after becoming acquainted with the farming life. “My mission was clear the day I drove out to a man’s home who had two potbellied piglets listed on Craigslist, headed to an auction— advertised as food for exotic animals,” she writes.

“That was it for me. Animals need a voice somehow— and I was going to be the one to give it to them… until the day I die.”

Pet Guide
Pet Guide

So far, Caitlin has been making good on that promise. Since founding Rancho Relaxo, she and her husband have rescued hundreds and hundreds of animals— with no intention of stopping anytime soon.

During Caitlin’s rescuing journey, she has come across amazing animal friendships— but this friendship between a special needs kitten and rescue pig is one of the sweetest yet.

This is Sriracha. Sriracha is an adorable, wobbly kitten that suffers from cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) and seizures.

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“A cat with CH often falls down and has trouble walking or cannot seem to walk at all,” Caitlin explained. Essentially, Sriracha’s cerebellum, an area of the brain that controls balance, was underdeveloped a birth. It can be sad to see such a shaky kitty, but really, the condition is 100% painless.

At one point Caitlin noticed that whenever Sriracha would have a seizure, a rescue piglet named Batman would dart to her side It was like the piglet could tell she needed a friend.

“Sriracha found comfort in Batman,” Caitlin wrote. “And Batman almost knew what he was doing for her. It was a beautiful thing to watch.”

(Read more about Batman here.)

Sriracha is our special needs foster kitten. She has a neurological disorder called CH. Feline cerebellar hypoplasia is a non-progressive, non-contagious neurological condition that results in walking and balance problems. Sriracha has also experienced seizures due to her condition. The last two days have been HORRIBLE. She has had two seizures. Usually when this happens, she becomes slightly “off” for a few days. Batman is our rescued orphan piglet. He is less than two weeks old now. He has been extra attached to Sriracha today. I swear he knows she has had a bad couple of days and feels the need to comfort her. This is why I do what I do. This is why my entire life is dedicated to the animals. They are the most beautiful things on this planet.

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Sadly, little Batman had congenital problems that led to his crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. Caitlin and the rest of the ranch were devastated— but in an odd twist of fate, Caitlin soon ended up rescuing Batman’s brother, Dragonlord, from an auction.

In an introductory Instagram post, Caitlin admitted the rescue was bittersweet in light of Batman’s death— but, to everyone’s surprise, Dragonlord took to Sriracha “even better than Batman did!”

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Sriracha and Dragonlord became the best of friends and loved to spend all their time together!

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Like Batman, Dragonlord comforts Sriracha when she’s having seizures.


While Sriracha, for her part, smothers Dragonlord in kitty kisses in return.

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Hear the amazing story below!

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