Some dogs make friends with other dogs because they like to have someone to play with. One dog, though, has an ulterior motive. And while chances are she does like to play with her other doggie friends, they serve a dual purpose when it comes to nap time.
A pit bull with a desire to sleep
You see, Edna. A pit bull has been using her furry friends as soft beds to lay on for getting some shuteye. In fact, she has been doing this since she was a puppy. It started when her family member, Brianna Gottfried, would take her to doggie daycare when she was young.
Edna picks the fluffiest dog she can find
Edna is fine for the first three or so hours, playing like any other dog with all of the other canines at the daycare. Once she’s ready for a nap, though, look out if you are a fluffy pooch, and the fluffier the better. Then she snuggles into her furry companion and nap for the rest of the day.
Edna then settles in for a long nap
Size doesn’t matter as Edna is an equal opportunity sleeper. If the dog in question looks like they would make a good pillow, Edna will just lay down with her head on them and go to sleep. Granted, the other dogs at the daycare don’t seem to mind, too much.
The other dogs don’t seem to mind
“All the dogs seem to enjoy the snuggling company. Even the tiny wiener dogs,” Gottfried told The Dodo.
Of course, it was way easier when Edna was just a small puppy. But even though she has gotten bigger over the years, she still takes part in the practice.
When it is time to go home, Gottfried can usually locate Edna by checking the other dogs at the daycare to see if they have a furry companion taking a nap on them. In many cases, it takes more than one try to wake the sleepyhead up.
“When it’s time to go home I always have to peel her off of another dog,” Gottfried said.
Edna and her story go viral
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After The Dodo posted the story on its Facebook page, the post ended up with over 145,000 reactions. It seems many people are smitten with the friendly dog who likes to take a nap on the other dogs around her.
Edna also has her own Instagram page where her family posts photos of her, many of them of her sleeping, sometimes on other dogs, people, or even the family’s cats. It doesn’t matter to Edna, as long as the sleeping surface is comfortable.
For more on Edna and her weird sleeping habits, check out the following video.
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Sources: YouTube – Zoo Land, Positive Outlooks, Instagram – brigottfried, Instagram – missedna_rose, The Dodo