Sisters rush sick dog to vet suspecting cancer – turns out she’s been on a private diet
Tiki the Labrador's never watched her diet. She just learned the hard way that you can't eat everything you want.
Blake Hyatt

You know how they say goats eat anything and everything?

Well, that seems to apply to some dogs, too!

Sometimes, dog treats aren’t enough to satiate a curious appetite.

Some dogs like a change of pace. Understandably, they’ll look elsewhere for exciting new tastes.

Take this adorable Labrador, for example. She recently found herself in an eating snafu of sorts.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Meet Tiki the black Lab and sisters Sara and Sidney.

Tiki doesn’t exactly have the best diet… In fact, she doesn’t watch her diet at all sometimes!

Recently, she found herself in a bit of a predicament after eating something completely inedible.

The ensuing stomach ache forced her human companions to take her to the vet.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

At first, the vets were bewildered and expected the worst.

X-rays showed something incredibly abnormal in Tiki’s stomach. Veterinarian Hisham Ibrahim goes on to explain the results,

“I see these big huge things. And I’m not quite sure if it’s some kind of a foreign body or there is something going on.”

That sounds ominous… The vet definitely doesn’t like what he sees.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Those involved began to contemplate the possibility of a cancerous tumor, but fortunately, this story has a happy ending.

Turns out, Tiki had merely gobbled up wads of underwear!

Emily, the vet technician on hand, gives her perspective on the puzzling experience:

“Each pair of underwear that I’ve pulled out I’m like here’s another pair. This is pair number six, pair number seven, and pair number eight.”

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Wait, how many?

That’s way too much clothing for one stomach!

You could stock a dresser with the material removed from Tiki’s belly!

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Tiki doesn’t just crave panties. Her palette’s a little more sophisticated than that.

As Billy Mays once famously stated: “But wait, there’s more!”

Turns out, Tiki even devoured 62 hairbands!

Yes, you read that correctly. That’s 62 more hairbands than the daily recommended amount!

Eight pairs of underwear and 62 hairbands were in Tiki’s stomach all at the same time!

No wonder she felt so woozy. The vet lays them out for all to see.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

The dog ate my homework – I mean, underwear.

Tiki’s human companions quickly recognized their underwear post-surgery.

They might have been slightly embarrassed, but they were both beyond relieved to know that Tiki is a-okay.

And they got their underwear back… so that’s a plus.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Fortunately, Tiki’s cancer-free.

She just had a case of the underwears!

Seriously, she needs to reconsider her diet!


At 8 years old, Tiki simply can’t eat anything she wants anymore… especially not clothes!

Tiki takes a curious look at what the vets were able to successfully remove.

I’m not quite sure how all of that even fit in her stomach!

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YouTube/Inside Edition

I’ve heard of a sweet tooth but never a cloth tooth!

Is Tiki actually a dog? Maybe she’s a goat!

Nah, I kid. She’s a beautiful black Lab with a loving family and an appetite like no other.

If anything, the whole experience makes for a puzzling, hilarious story to tell friends and family… and the whole internet!

Plus, goats usually don’t eat things unless they’re edible. With that said, their curious temperament and eating habits do cause them to nibble on anything from cardboard to cloth.


Anyway, what do you make of Tiki’s ridiculous story? I’m so glad she’s okay!

Tiki has an iron stomach, that’s for sure!

Fortunately, her human companions acted responsibly when they realized something was wrong! They seem like kind, loving caretakers.

Before you go, be sure to check out the entirety of adorable Tiki’s food snafu in the video below!

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