Nobody’s perfect.
Life’s riddled with questionable decisions and the occasional failure – failure’s simply a part of life.
Not everything’s accomplishable on that first go-round. Sometimes you just don’t have the necessary skills. Often, mistakes aren’t exactly hard to make. Other times, external circumstances simply don’t break the right way.
But perhaps one of the biggest sources of failure is plain laziness. Apathy – we’re all guilty of it at some point or another.
Fortunately, laziness is easy to fix!
If you fail, try again even harder!

Dogs are always there for us. They love us unconditionally whether we deserve it or not.
But sometimes dogs fail, too.
And when they do, it’s still somehow absolutely adorable.
Check out this trainer and her cute service dog. He’s generally a good boy, but he recently failed a simple task out of sheer laziness!
The Youtube description adds a little nuance to the situation:
“Sometimes filming training sessions you get gold like this 😂 he’s completely trained in this task but we were doing some training since we live in a new house now and apparently he felt like being lazy and pretty sassy😂”
With both of them on their feet in the living room, the trainer feigns a faint!

Instead of fetching a water bottle, the lazy pooch simply lies down on his trainer’s torso.
He’s not feeling it today.
Although his brain isn’t currently in “save mode,” service dogs work wonders for those suffering from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, which can cause unpredictable fainting.

Unsatisfied, the trainer shoots up quickly and exclaims, “Thanks! Go get a water bottle!”
He takes off!
He was a little slow coming out of the gate, but so far, so good.

The dog disappears for a few seconds. The trainer doesn’t move a muscle. Her acting’s fantastic!
Within a matter of moments, he appears from around the corner with a fresh bottle of water.
Good dog!

The service dog walks up to her “faint” body.
All he has to do is drop the bottle in an easily accessible location.
But he’s definitely not on the ball today!
Maybe he’d perform better with a ball.
The service dog drops off the water bottle lazily behind his trainer’s back.

She doesn’t move a muscle. She’s probably a bit disappointed in his performance thus far!
The pooch looks down for a few moments, quickly acknowledging his inadequate job. He sniffs his trainer’s torso for a split second, contemplating his next move.
She’s “fainted” and simply cannot reach behind her back for proper hydration!
Service Dog clenches the bottle yet again.
He sets out to find a more ideal location for the potentially lifesaving bottle.

Pooch walks around her body, proceeding to drop the bottle in front of her hand, nonchalantly.
His laziness dials are turned to 11!
It’s a good thing this is just a drill…

He lightly probes for a response.
Still nothing. I mean honestly, the effort’s just not there! This is Doggo at his lowest!
But wait just a minute…
The idea lightbulb flashes – time to lick her hand!

Nothing’s working!
He starts sniffing her “corpse,” unable to garner any sort of response.
She’s stone cold, still.
He persists, trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on, assessing her head and torso.
He grips the bottle again, laying it even closer to her outstretched hand.

Did it work? Is this acceptable?
He’s clearly running out of ideas. The dog grips the bottle yet again, setting it down right next to her armpit. How about now?
She stays still until…
Her head snaps up, letting out an energetic, “Thank you!”
She gives him a flurry of loving pets as a reward. He’s finally passed the test!

Sure, sometimes we fail, whether through lack of skill… or pure laziness.
But we can always bounce right back. And if the effort’s not there, try harder the next time!
This service dog had to learn the hard way. His trainer wasn’t satisfied at all until he effortfully and correctly placed the water bottle in the correct location.
It’s okay Doggo, I’m sure this was just an off day!
What’d you think of this service dog’s lazy performance?
Definitely check out the entirety of his indolent attempts below. Despite his apathy, he’s absolutely adorable!
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