Best bear friends reunite after 20 long years in captivity
Buzz and Armstrong, two elderly bears, reunite after 20 years. Their heartwarming story shows it's never too late for a new beginning. 🐻💕
Michael Dabu

Moon bear

According to Animals Asia, the Asiatic black bear, commonly known as the moon bear, stands out as the most playful among bear species but faces severe exploitation.

Often overlooked, these bears showcase their playful nature in reserves. They usually enjoy games like wrestling matches and interacting with logs, swings, and swimming pools.

Pexels - Picas Joe
Pexels - Picas Joe

They are smaller than American bears, with males weighing around 150 kg. Moon bears are also distinguished by a cream-colored crescent on their chests.

Unlike brown bears that hibernate, most moon bears enter a period of reduced activity during winter, relying on fat reserves accumulated in autumn.

While wild moon bears are typically solitary, those in reserves form strong friendships just like the ones featured in this beautiful story.


Too near yet too far

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YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

This was the situation of these two moon bears, Buzz and Armstrong. The two spent more than twenty years side by side in separate, dim cages.


Their only connection was through the chilly bars that separated them, a stark contrast to the freedom they longed for.

But a heartwarming change was on the horizon

The day everyone, especially Buzz and Armstrong finally arrived. It’s a beautiful day filled with excitement and a touch of nervousness.

The Animals Asia team were the saviors of these gentle giants. They had tirelessly readied Buzz and Armstrong for something they hadn’t felt in ages—a taste of real freedom.

YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia
YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

As the door slowly opened between their enclosures, onlookers held their breath.

What would happen when these close yet distant old pals finally met eye to eye?

Their reunion was magical, akin to watching long-lost friends find each other again.

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YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

Get your tissues ready

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YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

Buzz and Armstrong immediately recognized one another, their joy bursting forth. They hurried to embrace, their bond palpable from the first touch.

Armstrong, especially elated, trailed Buzz happily, expressing in his own way, “I’ve missed you.” His delight was infectious, relishing every moment of newfound freedom with his pal.

When another bear, Apollo, joined the scene, Armstrong graciously let Buzz take the lead. However, Apollo wasn’t quite ready for friendship, signaling Armstrong to keep his distance.

YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia
YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

Understanding Apollo’s hesitation, Armstrong respectfully stepped back. The focus shifted to allowing Buzz and Armstrong to revel in their reunion, taking it one step at a time.

Witnessing Buzz and Armstrong play for hours, making up for lost time, was a breathtaking sight. Armstrong, always by Buzz’s side, showcased the depth of their connection—a beautiful testament to friendship and resilience.

YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia
YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

One viewer overwhelmed with so much joy shared her feelings in the comment section of Buzz and Armstrong’s video.

“This made my whole Christmas honest to God. In the USI am just so happy to see them enjoying. Touching each other and bonding like animals of their own kind should They have been deprived for so many years of being of having animal touch that they so desperately need. Oh, this video is just marvelous. I’m just loving it. I’m watching it over and over and over again. Everything that you send. Thank you for letting us be a part of watching these beautiful creatures, bond and finally be. Able to act like bears and not be so mistreated. I think about the amount of years they spent in a cage. I just can’t imagine.”

YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia
YouTube Screenshot - Animals Asia

Their story serves as a touching reminder of the deep emotions and friendships animals harbor. Beyond being just two bears, Buzz and Armstrong symbolize hope and the chance for a fresh start as they embrace their newfound freedom together.

Watch the video below to witness the heartwarming reunion of Buzz and Armstrong.

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