A senior Chihuahua’s life took a turn for the worst after his owner passed away. Like many who end up on the streets, he suddenly found himself all alone and sleeping in a homeless animal shelter.
So he found comfort the only way he knew how…by hiding under the blanket and crying himself to sleep.
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Since his owner was no longer there to tuck him safely into bed at night, he took it upon himself to get the task done. Every night before he went to sleep, Scooter would pull the blanket over his head.
No matter how cute it may have looked to the casual observer, the fear and worry on his face always remained.
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Staff at the Humane Society of Branch County could see how he was such a good, sweet boy, but they had worries of their own and weren’t sure if an elderly dog would get much attention from potential adopters.
“Just went back to say goodnight and lock up. This is Scooter. He tucks himself in at night. I pray someone adopts this boy soon…”
Jan Nageldinger, the manager at the no-kill shelter in Michigan, told The Dodo that at one point she thought that Scooter may end up spending the rest of his days at the shelter.
“But we had the space … We never turn them away.”
However, after the shelter shared a photo of Scooter tucked under his blankie, his life suddenly took off on a new trajectory!
Suddenly, everyone wanted to give the pup a home. But, Jessica Lynn Howard, who had previously adopted two other Chihuahuas from the shelter, was the lucky one who got to take the adorable doggy home.
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“I saw Jan’s Facebook post, along with the rest of the world,” Jessica told The Dodo. “My husband Tim and I were lying in bed and it … brought me to tears. Without hesitation, I showed Tim and I said, ‘I have to go get him.'”
Not only does Scooter get a new home, but he also gets some new play buddies as well!
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Jan and Tim live on a farm and they have 5 other dogs aside from Scooter. He’s so much happier now that he gets to spend the rest of his days frolicking around the big outdoors!
And when it’s time to rest, Scooter takes an afternoon snooze ON TOP of the blanket.
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Even though his personality has changed for the better, some things stay the same. Apparently, Scooter is very attached to his regular bedtime routine.
“When it’s bedtime … he still tucks himself in. I’ve tried to tuck him in but he would rather do it himself. He has to get the covers just right. It’s really cute watching him.” – Jessica said.
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If a senior dog like Scooter can move the entire world with just a single post, imagine what else it can do for other animals looking for a home!
Adopt or donate when you can, it truly does help save lives.
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