Any dog owner knows that a dog isn’t merely a pet living in the house – they are a part of the family! Dogs essentially become little kids that love to snuggle and bring endless laughs whenever they can sense that someone needs it. Owning a dog is like adding to your family.

For one dog, he had been part of the family for a long time.

Raven is a “senior” dog who had been living as a part of his family for a long time. When Raven was a puppy, his mom adopted him and added him to the family. The past decade has been an absolute joy for Raven and his human mom.
With a decade in the family, Raven has gotten to see some significant life milestones.

Families go through a lot of change over the course of a decade! Who knows how many houses, how many friends, and how many jobs Raven has seen his “parents” go through. One of the BIGGEST changes in life is when a baby comes to town!
Raven got to see his mama get pregnant and get a human baby sister.

Dogs often love the “little smelly things” that come home from the hospital with their families. Babies turn into kids, and kids love dogs! A new baby in the house just means a new playmate and snuggle buddy.
When Raven’s owner brought home Addison, the two had an immediate bond.

Ever since Addison came home for the first time, Raven was smitten. He makes a wonderful “fur big brother” and has blown away his mom’s expectations for how he treats his baby sister.
According to his mom, he considers himself Addison’s protector.

Even more than a protector, he considers himself Addison’s best friend. He spends most of his day with the little girl and loves to watch over her. He never lets her out of sight!
When Raven’s mom couldn’t find him one day, she started to panic.

As a senior dog, there was no telling what could happen if Raven had gotten lost or injured. He was such a big part of their household and Mom couldn’t imagine losing him. Looking high and low, he was nowhere to be found. Could someone have left the door open?
Finally, she decided to check in on Addison, where she was taking a nap.

Wanting to check in on her daughter, Mom opened the door, only to be greeted by the cutest sight on earth! Looking in, Raven was in the crib, wrapped up in a blanket, taking a nap with his sister! They were snuggled up and even sharing a pillow!

This little story shows us just how much love dogs have to give.

As humankind’s best friend, dogs seem to have another point chalked up to their scoreboard! Raven and Addison just go to prove that dogs have so much love to give. Even senior dogs can contribute to the family they are in – even if they cause their moms to panic looking for them!
Check out the cute video below!
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