Adorable Species Of Cat, Adults Look Like Kittens Forever
I have never seen these before!!
Britanie Leclair

Adorable, tiny, and just a bit deadly; sand cats look like the cuddliest kittens you’ve ever seen— but you’d never guess just how wild these babies can truly be!


Sand cats definitely fall pretty high on the list of ‘Most Adorable Cats’, but unfortunately, they live exclusively in the wild. Sand cats only grow to be a maximum of 7lbs, making them not much bigger than a regular domestic kitten. Despite their tiny size though, these adorable felines make fantastic hunters.

The super soft, sandy-colored fur of a sand cat is perfect for blending into the sandy environments they call home. Native to the Sahara Desert and surrounding African areas, such as Syria and Iran, these wild kitties are rather appropriately named!

Charles Barilleaux
Charles Barilleaux

Sand cats’ large, furry paws prevent them from sinking into the sand while also ensuring they don’t leave behind tracks for predators to find. Even humans trying to research these cuties have a hard time tracking them, because they’re so small, quiet, and don’t leave a trace!

Sand cats’ gigantic, perky ears also contribute to making them excellent hunters; they can hear prey from long distances even before they are seen.


These amazing kitties live in climates that often reach 51°C (123°F). Sand cats spend their nocturnal waking hours guarding their burrows and hunting predators. Their thick and fluffy fur allows them to survive in high temperatures, while also insulating heat during the night.


Although sand cats’ natural prey includes snakes, small reptiles, and various birds, they still enjoy a few normal cat-like behaviors— like digging holes! Sand cats love digging holes to hang out or sleep in. They will often dig holes to bury their kills to save for later, and will; sometimes even bury their feces to keep on trend with their rather secretive life.

Marc Baldwin/Flickr
Marc Baldwin/Flickr

Sand cats are so sneaky humans don’t really know much about them! When scientists tried to study them, they simply couldn’t find them!

Sand cats have even learned to close their eyes if they hear a large predator (such as a human) approaching during the night, knowing their shiny cat eyes will quickly reveal their hidden location.


Sadly, due to poaching and people attempting to keep sand cats as pets, these gorgeous creatures have become tragically endangered. “How endangered?” you might ask. It’s hard to say, because, as mentioned, it’s extremely hard to keep track of sand cats’ secretive and mysterious lives.


Don’t get too excited about getting your own sand cat though! Unfortunately, these felines don’t thrive as house pets due to their sensitive respiratory systems. They are also prone to infections in unnatural habitats.

Noah Toledano/Zooborns
Noah Toledano/Zooborns

Sand cats are probably the most amazing species of feline that we really don’t know much about! Humans seem to have limited information and photos regarding these amazing creatures, so enjoy them while you can… Sand kitties only seem to be getting better at living a secretive life in the desert shadows!

Gil Cohen-Magen/Zooburns
Gil Cohen-Magen/Zooburns

This past October, researchers managed to get the first ever footage of sand cat kittens in the wild.

Video Screenshot
Video Screenshot

This amazing video was captured by Gregory Breton of the global wild cat conservation group Panthera. As he and his colleagues were driving the Moroccan Sahara, they somehow managed to spot a group of 7-week old kittens in the wild. If you’d like to learn more about how Breton and his colleagues captured the cats on film, you can read about it here.

Watch the amazing video below!

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