Rescued raccoon comforts sad baby deer that lost her mom the only way he knows how
This is so sweet!
Sasha Alonzo

In the heart of Texas, there’s a sanctuary where magic happens, and at the center of it all is Carrie Long.

She’s the dedicated soul behind Texas Fawn and Friends, a haven known for its remarkable deer rescue efforts.

But Carrie’s compassion knows no bounds, extending far beyond the deer she’s famed for saving.

This was never more evident than when she received an urgent call about a tiny, distressed creature – a 3-week-old baby raccoon.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Facebook
Texas Fawn and Friends - Facebook

This little raccoon, who would be affectionately named Jasper, had a story that tugged at the heartstrings.

Found alone and vulnerable during a harsh rainstorm, Jasper’s plight began when his mother left him behind, possibly because he was the runt of the litter.

There he was, a tiny, soaking wet bundle in a pool of water, facing a bleak future.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

The person who stumbled upon Jasper knew he needed more help than she could provide.

In her quest to find him the care he desperately needed, she reached out to Carrie Long.

Carrie, recalling the moment she heard about Jasper, shared with The Dodo, “We weren’t sure he was going to make it.”

The situation was dire, but hope was on the horizon.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

Carrie’s expertise and nurturing spirit quickly came into play.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding Jasper’s survival, her dedicated care provided him with a fighting chance.

Under her watchful and loving care, Jasper’s story took a turn for the better.

Not only did he survive against the odds, but he also thrived, growing into a healthy and spirited adult raccoon.

When the time came for him to return to the wild, Jasper made a surprising choice – he decided to stay at the sanctuary, his new home.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

Jasper’s journey from a lonely, abandoned raccoon to a beloved member of the sanctuary is heartwarming.

He seemed to understand the loneliness of the orphaned deer at Texas Fawn and Friends, having experienced it himself.

In the midst of 75 deer, Jasper found his purpose and companionship, filling a void in his once solitary life.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

Among all the deer, Jasper formed an incredibly special bond with one in particular – a deer named Hope.

Carrie, sharing this beautiful friendship with My Modern Met, said, “Hope was a fawn that I received in that had [also] lost her mother.”

Jasper found a kindred spirit in Hope. Their interactions, full of playfulness and joy, were a delight to witness.

Jasper, who enjoyed playing with dogs, found even greater happiness in his frolics with Hope, who was much larger than his canine friends.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

The bond between Jasper and Hope is a sight to behold.

Whenever Jasper spots Hope, his excitement is contagious.

He rushes to her side, greeting her with enthusiastic licks and warm hugs.

Their adorable interactions have not only captured the hearts of those at the sanctuary but also of people far and wide.

A video showcasing their playful moments together – Jasper climbing all over Hope, resting on her back, and affectionately wrapping his arms around her – has garnered over 55,000 views, spreading their joy and friendship across the globe.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

Jasper’s playful nature, sometimes bordering on the boisterous, is always welcomed by Hope.

She seems to understand and accept her role as Jasper’s personal jungle gym, indulging his antics with patience and affection.

Carrie observes their daily interactions with fondness, noting, “He sees her every day. In the evening, she comes and lays next to him. They’ve got a cool relationship going on.”

It’s a unique and heartwarming friendship that adds a special touch to the sanctuary.

Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram
Texas Fawn and Friends - Instagram

The story of Jasper and Hope is just one of the many inspiring tales at Texas Fawn and Friends.

Carrie, with her unwavering dedication, is gearing up to care for at least 100 orphaned fawns in 2022.

Her commitment to these animals is a testament to her passion and love for wildlife.

Reflecting on her work, Carrie finds great satisfaction, stating, “It’s very rewarding work.”

To support their cause, learn more about their work, and experience the charming friendship between Jasper and Hope, visit and watch their heartwarming video below.

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