When we think of a cow, we typically picture it living outside in a field, where it can graze on grass and run around to its heart’s content.
But a cow named Harveigh is a bit different. She’s an indoor cow!

Harveigh is not your typical calf.
She lives in southeast Texas with her owners, Tammy and Ren Canton. Just days after Hurricane Harvey took its toll, this poor calf was rejected by her mother.
She was left outside in the freezing cold, starving and alone.

The Cantons had already made their home available to 2 families and 8 dogs, and they hardly had space for another animal.
Still, they couldn’t bear to see the calf suffer. They took her in and introduced her to the pups.
When she first came inside Harveigh was weak and shivering.
She wouldn’t have survived if she had been left outside, but with love and shelter she recovered. Tammy grabbed her some grub from the pet store, and the calf ate it right up.

The couple had nurtured cows before, but Harveigh was something else.
“The few cows we have on our property are old show heifers and their offspring,” Tammy told Katy Magazine. The cows usually took care of themselves, but this one was the woman’s first newborn. Raising her from the very beginning “was a whole new experience.”

Harveigh hung around the house and got to know the other dogs.
She made a special connection with Sealy, the pit bull. The pup has “taken over as her caretaker,” Tammy explained to Today. “The two go everywhere together, and they have formed a friendship that will last a lifetime.

This calf has gotten quite comfortable with her canine companions.
“I don’t think they realize that she is a cow and not just a really big dog,” observed Tammy. “Truthfully, I don’t think Harveigh sees herself any different from the dogs.”

This calf might be loving life, but the owners knew she would need to soon get ready for life outside.
They tried to get her to socialize with the other cows so the adjustment will be more comfortable for her.
And they built her a “cow condo” outside to ease the transition.

Soon enough, the day came when Harveigh had to move outside.
And now, a few years after joining her family, Harveigh is still happily living in her outdoor enclosure. She also has cow friends to hang out with, and she recently became an aunt to an adorable calf!
Harveigh’s family loves her so much, and they keep all her fans updated about her life on their Facebook and Tiktok pages. What a great happy ending for everyone.
Check out an adorable video of Harveigh playing with a pumpkin below!
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