Being a cat owner shouldn’t be a big deal if you’re dating someone. After all, you’ll be spending time with the human and not his pet.
However, being a cat owner can have an effect on one’s personality. At times, owning a cat can even give you hints about your potential partner’s personality.
If you are dating a cat person or you’re still on the fence about dating one, here are 30 of the best reasons why cat people are awesome.
1. They always think about you.
Cat people will prioritize your needs. No matter how awkward or embarrassing it gets for them, they will check up on you to see if you’re doing good.

2. They can put up with your worst behavior.
They are incredibly patient people. They won’t love you any less even if you show your worst behavior.

3. They are loyal.
They won’t abandon you or make you feel alone. They will do their best to be at your side no matter what.

4. They are hard to win over.
This isn’t entirely a bad thing. If you win their heart, you’ll have their loyalty for a long time. You can just think of it as a challenge.

5. They have no expectations.
They take life as it is and they accept other people as they are. They don’t expect anything which is why they are rarely disappointed.

6. They don’t try to fit in.
A lot of people have a hard time meeting society’s expectations. Well, cat people are different. They don’t always do what most people do and they are fine with that.

7. They are early risers.
They have this tendency to wake up early and they don’t have to rely on alarm clocks for that. Their system seems to know when it’s morning.

8. They are adventurous.
Cat people like to feel that sense of danger. They tend to try things out because it’s simply fun for them.

9. They like being lazy, too.
These people aren’t just about adventures. At times, they also like to just relax and literally do nothing.

10. They know when to prioritize themselves.
Although cat people love pleasing others, it doesn’t mean that they don’t value themselves. In fact, when they know they deserve something, they won’t be afraid to own it.

11. They are weird.
Cat people are weird and they are not ashamed of it. They won’t hide their personality once you get really close to them.

12. They can be shy, too.
Of course, just like everyone else, it may take time for a cat person to warm up to you. He may feel shy and hesitant at first. But once he’s comfortable with you, he’ll get out of his shell and show you his true personality.

13. They are great napping buddies.
They don’t move around a lot when they are asleep. In fact, they can be completely still when they are napping.

14. They can be clingy.
They don’t like being alone. As much as possible, they prefer to be with their loved ones.

15. They are respectful of having a “me” time.
Even though they are clingy, they can still understand what “me” time means. They will respect your request of spending time with just yourself.

16. They have a positive outlook on life.
Since they live with grumpy pets, cat people know how to look at the bright side of things. They have a happy and positive outlook in life which can be contagious at times.

17. They are naturally caring.
They can sense when you are feeling down and they’ll find ways to make you feel better. They give awesome hugs, if you don’t know.

18. They are funny.
Cat people have a good sense of humor. It’s probably something they developed from taking care of weird cats.

19. They don’t have any filters.
They don’t like hiding their emotions and ideas. If they don’t like you, they’ll gladly let you know.

20. They appreciate you.
It’s hard to find someone who’ll take you for who you are. This is why cat people know how to show their appreciation to people who value them.

21. They have a unique sense of fashion.
Cat people are proud of their pets. They don’t feel ashamed of showing that, even in their clothes, accessories, and bags. They’ll even proudly wear cat sweaters!

22. They don’t boss around.
Cats are naturally bossy. Considering that cat people live with such creatures, they learn not to obsess about control. Instead, they prefer to be in a give-and-take relationship.

23. They have warm beds.
Cats don’t mind spending the entire day on their human’s bed. Because of that, cat people always have warm beds. They are perfect for taking naps or when you just want to finally relax after a tiring day at work.

24. They know how to have fun.
Cat people are fun people. You just have to put up with their weird sense of humor.

25. They have great baby sitters.
Cats are naturally protective of little ones, even babies. Having them around means not having to worry about your baby being left alone. They will look after your baby almost 24/7.

26. They are mysterious.
They don’t always show their emotions which leaves people wanting for more. This can make things more interesting in relationships.

27. They are independent.
Cat people are perfectly fine with being alone together. You can snuggle up on the couch while doing two separate things. At times, they’ll do things on their own which gives you time and freedom to enjoy the same.

28. They are full of compassion.
Their cats rely on them for almost everything. This makes them not just caring but giving and thoughtful partners, too.

29. They aren’t squeamish.
Cat people are perfectly fine with cleaning up litter boxes and hairballs. They don’t mind cleaning the mess their cats make at home.

30. They know how to read body language.
Cat people know how to sense and pick up subtle cues about what you’re thinking or feeling. This is because they are so used to reading their cat’s behaviors.

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