Rapper abandons career in the music industry to spend his time rescuing cats
"I think something as selfless as rescue could be an example to the world of unity and working together, so I want to put that out there.”
Jonathan Maes

For years and years, a man named Sterling Davis believed that his place was in the music industry as a talented rapper, but it turns out that it wasn’t exactly what he envisioned after all.

He wanted to do something more meaningful.

Even though it would come with less fame, he decided to go for it and pursue his one and only true calling.

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Facebook - TrapKing Humane

He said goodbye to the music industry to rescue cats instead.

Sterling has always been a cat person.

Back when he was still working in the music industry, he also took a job at one of the local shelters in his neighborhood, cleaning up litter boxes and taking care of felines.

The more time he spent with the cats, the more he realized that he wanted to make a difference for them, and ensure some actual change.

He made this shift mentally, but he had to realize it physically.

So, Sterling called his band and told them he wasn’t going back

He explained that he wanted to devote his energy and life to something else entirely.


Aside from actually rescuing felines and assisting in rescues, Sterling also wanted to spread the word about trap-neuter-return (TNR), or more specifically, the importance of it.

TNR is the only way to reduce feral cats in a safe, humane manner.

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Facebook - TrapKing Humane

Even though spreading the word about TNR was important, the former rapper also wanted to make a difference in regard to diversity in shelters.

He realized that most cat rescue shelters and animal organizations were run by women, but Sterling wanted to change that landscape a bit.

He’s hoping to recruit more men to join animal rescue teams.

After five years of experience rescuing animals and the TNR method, Sterling started his own company, TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions.

Sterling, also known by his name of TrapKing now, has written an admirable mission statement on his website.

“[Our mission is] to change the stereotypes of not only men in cat rescue, but also bridge the gap in communication between black communities and animal rescue/local shelters.

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Facebook - TrapKing Humane

The man loves to connect with other people, especially potential volunteers.

He’s a man of many trades, as he enlisted in the Navy after high school and also has a ton of entertainment experience from being a rapper, which allows him to connect easily with others.

“I think being in the military, being around different people, different cultures and being in entertainment is what actually helped me better communicate with all types of people and better communicate this mission,” Sterling said to Today. “I’ve literally been pushing to make TNR community cat care as common as recycling and get more people engaged in so many fun ways.”

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Facebook - TrapKing Humane

At first, he focussed on his home state of Georgia.

Sterling wants to expand his reach to the whole country.

Of course, with the current situation, traveling is still not completely recommended, although things are certainly improving every day.

Sterling hopes that he’ll be able to take his soon cats on a trip across the country to numerous different shelters to talk about TNR rescue methods. His rescued felines Bowie, Damita Jo, and Alanis Mewissette would certainly enjoy going on a work trip like that!

Sterling even hopes to inspire children, as he sees them as the future.

“You don’t lose cool points for compassion,” is his motto whenever he’s talking to interested youngsters. Some Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts organizations could even employ a TNR badge.

In addition to TrapKing, Sterling works with Java Cats Café in Atlanta.

There, he tries to find homes for cats that have been rescued.

There’s some nuance to this, however.

Feral cats can usually return back to their colony after they’ve been given a check-up and have been neutered, but there are also rescued felines that wouldn’t survive on the streets and are much better suited as pets.

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Facebook - TrapKing Humane

“I think something as selfless as rescue could be an example to the world of unity and working together,” he said. “So I want to put that out there.”

Sometimes, he still uses his musical talent in his promo clips.

After all, with all that experience and the thrill of making music, it’s hard to say goodbye to something like that entirely. It’s a good thing that he can now enjoy both passions!

Learn more about TrapKing’s mission in the video below!

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