Miracles do happen every day, but we’re just not always there to witness them. It may be something big or small, or something you would least expect. However, for this puppy, it is a kind of miracle that kept his life intact.
A pup awaits a terrible fate at this particular shelter.

It may be the dog shelter’s job to give strays and abandoned pups a second chance to live a new life at a new home, but sadly, there are times that they could not make the dream happen for every dog they come across.

Keeping a shelter means one should be mindful of their resources, and for some, they had to make sacrifices to make room for other dogs at the shelter.
An 8-month-old, black Labrador-Pit mix puppy named Rudolph stays at a shelter in Oklahoma.

Unfortunately, Rudolph did not make the cut at his shelter, and as the particular shelter allows euthanasia, the people decided to euthanize him that day. The shelter was already overcrowded and they could not support him with their limited resources. Regardless of the reason, it was such a shame that they had to put such a young pup on death’s queue.
“Not today, death”

The veterinarian injected the euthanizing drugs in the pooch and then left the room for the dog to pass away. Expecting that the drugs had already kicked in after a short while, the doctor came back to the room. However, the vet was dumbstruck when he found the black pooch very much alive!
The pooch’s survival was beyond belief, and luckily, the shelter had the heart not to do it again.

Another shelter called the Kings Harvest Pet Rescue No Kill Shelter heard of Rudolph’s miraculous survival and they decided to take the pooch with them. Kylie Jo Mitchell from the King’s Harvest Pet Rescue remarked that Rudolph was a “miracle dog” and this phenomenon was something he has not heard of before.
A second chance at a better life for Rudolph.

Mitchell and King’s Harvest Pet Rescue Shelter shared Rudolph’s story on social media, drawing attention to thousands of people around the world. People became more interested in Rudolph when he was put on adoption, including a man named Jacob Hommer and his veteran friend.

Hommer thinks that Rudolph could be a perfect service dog given the right training. Hommer and his friend really wanted to have him but as lots of applications flooded on the shelter’s hands, and Rudolph ended up with someone else.
The new lucky owner was chosen to take care of this miracle dog.

Many fell in love with Rudolph’s emotional story, and after searching through the piles of adoption applications that were sent to the shelter, Rudolph ended up in the hands of a lucky young man who picked him up just a few days later.

Surely, there were those who were disappointed because their applications were not picked, but the shelter was certain that this man could give the pooch a safe, loving, and happy home.

Rudolph is the dog who defied death. Whether it was because the veterinarian inserted the wrong drug or if the drug was just not potent enough, Rudolph’s story would undoubtedly continue to amaze people. Click the link below to watch the whole thing.
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