Puppy hilariously keeps serious border collie from doing his job
Lets just say Flo has a few HR complaints.
D.G. Sciortino

Sam works a thankless job. All it affords him is a roof over his head and some food in his belly.

To make matters worse, his workplace is toxic.

Or at least it was on the day a 9-month-old Flo came to work with him.

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

Sam works with his dad, Inverurie, Scotland, farmer Rory Gregor.

It’s the 7-year-old Border Collie’s job to herd the sheep on the farm.

Usually, getting the flock to go where it needs to go is no problem.

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

But that’s when Flo isn’t around. Flo likes to play more than she likes to work.

Don’t we all?


And she was trying to distract Sam as best as she could. Who else was she going to play with?

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

Or maybe she was just trying to get him to stop bullying all those sheep. One day while they were out in the field Flo firmly took a hold of Sam’s tail and was tugging it backward away from the flock.

Sam didn’t seem to notice or care until he aggressively snapped at one of the smaller sheep.

According to Wag!, herding is a trait that border collies inherited from wolves. It was a part of their hunting ritual.

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

While a border collie is bred to not kill their “prey,” it doesn’t always work out that way. Even with good breeding and training, border collies do sometimes end up killing the very sheep they are supposed to protect.

Other herding breeds drive the livestock away from the handler. But the border collie circles to bring the sheep to bring them back and will “fetch” them when they go astray.

Fetching is just a nice way of saying that the sheep are pulled to the ground and sometimes even bite the sheep which can harm them.

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

“Once this behavior is ingrained in the dog, and it has tasted blood, they become a problem for the shepherd, and can no longer be used with livestock,” the site Living with Gotlands writes.

Sam’s aggressive behavior wasn’t going to fly with Flo.

Despite her being small in stature, Flo was prepared to take on Sam and fight for these sheep… or her playtime with him.

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

And she wasn’t prepared to give up either. Flo refused to let of Sam’s tail as Sam ran off at top speed.

Eventually, Flo lost balance and went rolling off to the side.

Though she didn’t thwart him this time. She did slow him down a bit.

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YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

And something tells us that a little rough and tumble isn’t going to stop this scrappy 9-month-old pup from trying again.

She probably got right back up and continued after him after the camera stopped rolling.

A video of Flo’s attempt to stop Sam in his tracks was viewed more than 12,000 times.

YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot- Caters Clips

“Explains why “Take Your Child to Work Day” hasn’t caught on with border collies,” wrote one commenter.

Check out the video below to see Sam and Flo’s interaction.

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Source: Caters Clips, Living with Gotlands, Wag!
