Puppy stays completely still so he doesn’t wake sleeping kittens
The video of this moment is too cute!
Johndel Callora

People often assume that cats and dogs have been born to this world as mortal enemies, but that idea just became a generalization. Even kids’ shows and movies have hammered in that information to every kid that watches them; a prime example for this is the cartoon, Tom and Jerry. However, that generalization is not at all true. Plenty of reasons have driven animals to hate animals of different species.

Four innocent animals taking their peaceful naps.

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It’s not impossible for cats and dogs to get along with each other, especially when they are still pure and innocent pups and kittens. In the video, you could see four animals lying beside each other on the couch.

The animals were lying on their backs with their paws on the front, the sight of which is calm and precious at the same time. Three of them were adorable little kittens snoring while their fourth member was a tiny puppy. You would have to take a second glance before realizing that it’s not one of the kittens.

The puppy had to stay still to avoid disturbing his feline friends’ beauty sleep.

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The puppy was at the edge of the line and he could just stand up anytime and move away. Although, you would be amazed that the puppy chose to freeze on the spot as the kittens were still lying peacefully beside him. There were times when the kittens had to adjust their sleeping positions, and despite that, the adorable puppy just laid down with the same position he was in before.

It’s clear the kittens are great friends with the pup.

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The kittens would lie on the puppy’s fluffy fur without any problems and they just look so cozy as they huddled up with each other. The sweet picture of them just passing the time by taking a nap together is just too wholesome.

Furthermore, it was almost like the kitten were so comfortable being with the puppy that they started treating the pup as one of their own. Napping may just be one of the many activities that these animals share in their household.

Lucky for us, the owner was able to record this wholesome moment and put it on the internet.

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The owner of these wonderful pets shared this recorded moment on the internet. The clip found its way onto YouTube, and it has been watched over 2.4 million times since it was uploaded in 2014. It was truly a sweet and wholesome video that cat and dog-lovers alike would surely enjoy watching it.

Canine-Feline friendships are never impossible.

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As mentioned above, there are plenty of reasons why you would see cats and dogs fighting with each other. Firstly, it might be because of their history. Secondly, it could be because of when they were introduced. It’s hard to introduce these animals to one another since they have already seen much of the world around them. Therefore, the safest way to introduce them is when they are puppies or kittens.

In addition to that, we as their owners play a huge part in this introduction process, so we should also be careful about how we make this approach. With enough planning and research, you can expect dogs and cats to get along well!

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