Though human beings often have plenty of trouble getting in touch with one another, the bonds between animals can teach us so much.
In general, we often have different ideas about nature and how animals can bond with one another. On the one hand, there’s the idea that animals can be wild and dangerous, and that they’re only loyal to others who look just like them. In some sense, that kind of thinking is also used for bad purposes with human beings as well—that we can only love our own families or only love people who are just like us.
As this video shows, nothing could be further from the truth.

The story is about one adorable little puppy named Rookie.
Rookie is a cute little dog who lives on a farm with a bunch of other animals. Because Rookie didn’t have a mother of his own, he became very fond of a cow who lived on the farm and would hang out with her all the time. He treated the cow like it was his mother, and the two would constantly play together, cuddle and generally have a great time in each other’s company. Unfortunately, farms are a business like any other and there came a day when Rookie’s mom was going to be sold.
As you can probably guess, the experience of having his mother taken away was devastating to Rookie.

As soon as the farmers came to take the cow away, Rookie started crying.
Because the bond between the two animals was so close, it truly was like Rookie was losing his mom and his best friend. According to the farmer, he was quite attached to the cow himself and didn’t want to get rid of her. Still, he had two cows and the amount of work that it took to raise them both at the same time seemed like more than he could bear. He cried and cried and couldn’t be comforted. As it turns out, though, the cow had been sold to another person who wasn’t very far away—and Rookie could still hear the cow even at all that distance.
So he did what any loyal friend would do: he ran away from home to find his lost friend.

After running and running, Rookie finally found his lost friend!

Upon finding the cow, Rookie went wild. He couldn’t stop yelping, crying, jumping up and down and licking the cow’s face with affection. For their part, the farmers were shocked that Rookie had run all the way across town to find them with the cow—the bond between the two animals was stronger than anyone had expected. Still, the farmer thought that he still had to sell the cow and that the problem couldn’t be helped. Rookie would eventually get over the loss, he figured.
After letting them play for a few minutes, the farmer took Rookie back home again.

After they brought Rookie home again, the farmers still found that there was no possible way to cheer him up.
They tried to get him to eat his food but he refused to. No matter what the farmers did, Rookie was despondent. He kept howling and crying out into the street, wondering what he could do to get his friend back. After seeing everything that was happening, the farmers decided that enough was enough.
As it turns out, Rookie was in for a big surprise.

The farmers had decided to keep the cow after all!
Because Rookie loved the other animal so much, the farmers knew that just had to bring her back again. Though it would be tougher to raise two cows at the same time and keep everything moving smoothly, the farmer knew he had to do it for the sake of Rookie’s happiness. The farmers even talked to a local veterinarian who said that Rookie’s social skills might actually get damaged if they continued to live together so closely.
Although it didn’t matter much to Rookie, the farmers had an idea of how to help Rookie make more friends.

First, the farmers took a little bit of the cow’s fur and rubbed it on another local dog so that the scent would transfer.

Although Rookie was a little hesitant, he still took some of the first baby steps to making more dog friends—and things seem to be going pretty well. He even got to play with the other dog’s owner as well! Regardless of how much the farmers want Rookie to play with the other dogs, though, it’s clear that their cow is always going to be his favorite playmate.
And when you see the two of them together, who can blame him?

Needless to say, this story is sure to touch anyone’s heart.
Aside from the obvious cuteness of these two animals, the farmers deserve some credit as well for not selling the cow at the end of everything! Working with animals takes a lot of patience and a lot of love. Seeing that they cared more about their dog Rookie’s feelings than their own convenience says a lot. Now, Rookie and the cow and play together everyday if they want to.
Congratulations on being reunited with your friend, Rookie!
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