Adorable Puppy Confused At His First Case Of Hiccups
Buck was an eight-week old puppy with his first case of hiccups. The results are both confusing and adorable.
Ryan Aliapoulios

Any dog owners out there surely remember the precious memories of when their dog was just a puppy. Especially for loyal pet owners who don’t have children of their own, a pet can really feel like a child that we have to take care of. We are there for them while they grow up, we share hundreds of special memories together and they end up growing very close to our hearts. Although this process requires a lot of patience and responsibility, it’s also full of plenty of silly little moments.

One pet owner captured one of his puppy’s most adorable moments.

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Everybody gets hiccups from time to time—but did you know that animals can get the hiccups as well?

As it turns out, they can—and it’s pretty startling to discover. This was proven in a clip loaded to YouTube by user Matthew Kennelly with a humorous caption:

“What are these things inside me!? I will scare them away!”

Kennelly has a pup named Buck who is only eight weeks old. In the clip, Kennelly and Buck are in the car together when Buck notices something strange happening to him. His body convulses a little bit and at first he doesn’t react.

When it happens again, Buck starts to get a little suspicious.

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After the first couple hiccups, Buck does a little bite at the air.

Then there’s another hiccup and he twists and bites again. Still, nothing he does seems to be working. More hiccups come and Buck gets more and more agitated, barking and yelping at the air. By the end, he spins around at his own tail to see if it’s coming from behind him! It’s pretty easy to relate to little Buck’s troubles. After all, we all know how hard it is to get rid of a case of the hiccups.

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Although the original clip is remarkably short, it has already amassed nearly 18 million views on YouTube!

And ultimately it’s easy to see why this clip is striking such a chord with viewers around the world. For starters, everyone loves an adorable puppy. Everyone also knows just how annoying a bad case of the hiccups can be. Watching one little pup try to figure out exactly what’s happening to him is pretty funny, needless to say.

Hang in there, Buck! Even hiccups go away eventually, we promise.

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Source: Animals Melt My Heart
