Golden retriever puppy finds cat in her bed and she’s not having it
This is so stinkin' cute. 😍
Megan Bennett

Meet Mia, the golden retriever puppy, and Simon the cat.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

They are newly acquainted and Simon is still not quite sure what to make of the rambunctious puppy.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

Mia wants to play with her new friend, but Simon is still deciding how he feels about the situation.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

While relaxing and snoozing in a comfortable and perfectly sized little bed, Simon is interrupted by the cute and fluffy puppy dog that wants to cuddle up next to him. Mia, feeling very brave, pokes and paws at the kitty to get him up and out of her bed.

While the two seem friendly enough with each other, it is important to always supervise playtime until you are sure that the animals are OK with one another.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube recommend a slow introduction so that both animals learn to feel comfortable with the new family member. It is clear that this is not Mia and Simon’s first time meeting, and while Mia is excited to play with her new friend, Simon is a little more hesitant.

Mia is very insistent that that is her bed, and her cactus chew toy too.

Simon, however, has claimed it as his own and, as anyone with a cat can attest, once a cat has found a comfortable spot there is no moving them. A few times it seems as if Mia wants to share the bed, but even that is not going to fly with Simon. A few quick pats on the nose has Mia backing off again.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

That does not mean, however, that she is happy with the situation and she continues to voice her displeasure.

Throughout the interaction Mia’s tail continues to wag and, while Simon is obviously not pleased, he does not get aggressive, simply bats the puppy away and sometimes even outright ignores her! That doesn’t stop Mia though, she wants her bed back!

Golden retrievers are notoriously smart dogs and Mia proves that by giving up on yelling at Simon, and simply trying to knock him out of the bed instead.

Even then, Simon refuses to move. He simply ignores her and pretends she isn’t there.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

Finally, after many minutes of trying to win her bed back, Mia prevails!

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

Simon has had enough of the intrusion and decides to find another spot to sleep, but Mia isn’t quite done with him yet. As Simon gets up and saunters over to his large cat tree, Mia follows.

Lucky for him though, Mia is far too big to fit in the hidey hole where he eventually decides to settle.

Cats and dogs are both amazing pets, and these are some lucky pet parents that the two seem to get along so well.

The Fluffiest - YouTube
The Fluffiest - YouTube

These two have many years ahead of them to get comfortable with each other, and hopefully they can come to some kind of arrangement about the sleeping situation!

Watch this adorable duo in the video below!

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Source: The Fluffiest, American Humane, Cesars Way
