Adorably protective golden retriever won’t let husband touch wife
Protective dogs are so adorable!
Rose Ann Dabu

We all have protective instincts and that helps us in keeping ourselves safe as well as the people we love. We are all willing to protect anyone who is dear to us like our families and friends.


Protectiveness does not only apply to humans.

Some animals are naturally protective too. Dogs are among these animals. If you have pets, you certainly know how dogs can protect you.


According to Scottsdale Pet Hotel, there are several reasons why dogs are so protective of their owners. First is when you treat your pet as a family.

“They grow up knowing you and get used to having you around. Dogs do not take too kindly to those who seemingly pose a threat to their family for this reason.”


Another one is when a dog is being treated nicely by its owners.

“It is only natural for a dog that is treated well to repay the favor by ensuring his master comes to no harm.”

Meet Bailey, a golden retriever that is extremely protective.

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This trait of him was caught on camera and has delighted more than 2 million people. Well, Bailey is an internet sensation and his YouTube channel namely – Funny Dog Bailey has over 400,000 subscribers.

When you visit his channel, you will see numerous videos of him that can surely make you laugh.

One of his YouTube videos will show you how protective he is.

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You will also see how he loves his owner by doing everything to protect her from his other owner – who is the husband.

It starts when Bailey and his human best friend are having some cuddle time on the bed. The husband joins them and starts to tease the adorable dog by touching his momma.

Touching is not allowed for the husband.

His wife was guarded by their brave pooch to the extent that his hands are not allowed to come close to his wife.

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He tries to slowly put his hand onto his wife’s foot but he receives a stern look from Bailey. He tries again but the canine firmly says no through his actions.

The keep-my-mom-safe moment for Bailey goes on.

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Daddy even changed his position to get an opportunity to freely touch his wife but Bailey is persistent to stop him. He gives him a few more barks to keep him away from his mom.

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Whenever the couple would touch each other, Bailey would immediately stand up to stop them. To protect his mom, he would nibble him every time dad would put his hands to his wife. He knows that dad could be a potential threat, so he is just doing what he needs to do to keep her safe.

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Warning barks keep coming out from Bailey’s mouth.

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He would also make sure that his owners’ hands are apart. He doesn’t miss even those sneaky touches that his dad would make. His tenacity is incomparable!

The way Bailey protects his owner is so touching. No wonder why the couple looks really happy as they witness how their dog guards one of them.

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Though he doesn’t allow his dad to touch his mom, you can feel that he also loves him as he lets him give him cuddles.

A lot of viewers also enjoy seeing Bailey’s firmness in protecting his owner.

One commenter understands why he is being like that. He wrote, “Bailey is like I will protect mom at any cost”.

His love for the couple is overflowing that even other people can feel it.

Watch the video right below and see how protective this adorable Golden Retriever is!

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