Some people say that pregnant women have a “glow,” the pregnancy glow. That might be true for some but not for all and animals are the same way. Some animals become even cuter when they are pregnant while some just look plain tired. Take a look at these 40 pregnant animals and moms will quickly realize that they completely understand the hardships and happiness of pregnant animals. Some will make you saw “aww,” others will make you laugh, and some will surprise you.
1. Ferret Mama
Ferrets have long bodies, but when ferrets get pregnant their body becomes lopsided, at least this new mama’s body does. She must be feeling all that baby weight at the bottom of her body.
2. Dangerous Panda
This pregnant panda is making me nervous being so high in the tree. I know it is her natural habitat but I just want to ask her to keep her feet on the ground.
3. Can’t Move
This mama to be seems to be completely over her pregnancy. She wants that baby out because her body is tired, just hang on a bit longer!
4. Dressed Up
Meet cutie pie Lilica. Her owners gave her an entire maternity photoshoot to celebrate her pregnancy. She looks as if she was born to be a model with that smile and adorable bow. That is one happy mama.
5. Dad Bods
These male seahorses might look like they have just gained some weight but in reality they are pregnant! Seahorses are the only species that has the males carry the babies. These male seahorses are gathered together and seem to have formed a daddy-to-be group.
6. Spiky Baby
This hedgehog is ready to burst. The only thing she can do for some relief is just lay there. Luckily for hedgehog mom’s their babies are not born with their spikes already poking out. Their spikes start to come out of the skin after birth.
7. Turtle Eggs
Being able to see the insides of a mom turtle as her eggs are still inside of her is amazing! Here is an x-ray of one mom-to-be turtle that is carrying five eggs. Luckily for turtles they only have an incubation period of 45 to 75 days!
8. Round Belly
This Macaque’s belly looks as if she is due any day! She is from the Berlin Zoo and one visitor stated,
“She seemed so heavy that she could barely move.”
9. Pig in the Pen
This pregnant pig is getting all the love from her owners during her first pregnancy. She looks so tired, so it is great that she is being well taken care of. All pregnant moms deserve some TLC.
10. You Can Do It!
All this pregnant giraffe needs is some water, but her belly is making that a tad bit difficult. Hopefully she is near the end of her pregnancy because giraffes are pregnant up to 400 to 460 days! Poor mama.
11. Cuddles
When this person decided to adopt a fat cat, she was in for a surprise. She was not fat, she was pregnant. Luckily, the older cat does not mind and is giving her all the cuddles she deserves. They adopted one cat and are about to a whole set of kittens!
12. Dolphins
It must be hard for pregnant dolphins to have to swim with the extra weight. It will be all worth the struggle in the end when she births a new baby dolphin. Until then, it is a smart idea to stay in the shallow and get a bit of a rest.
13. Inside Puppies
These puppies are inside puppies at the moment, inside their mother that is. This pregnant mama had an x-ray done of her puppies and it looks packed in there. The bond is starting early for these siblings.
14. Help From Friends
This pregnant goose started to create her nest for her upcoming babies. The office close by did not shoo her away, instead gave her a sign to let people know to stay away. This goose was a smart girl in her choice of location.
15. Mama Cat
This mama cat is taking up the entire bed until her babies are ready to come out. Her owner is just going to have to sleep on the couch because she needs her comfort. She even took a page of pregnant humans by using pillows to support better comfort.
16. Lazy Days
This lioness is going to use her pregnancy to her advantage. She is going to have lazy days until the baby comes. Who can blame her? There is nothing better than lazy days in the sun, especially for a pregnant lioness.
17. Double Duty
This seal is showing the real struggle of being pregnant when you already have children. She is doing double duty by feeding a child and carrying a child. This mom is going to need a break after all this.
18. Lucky Squirrels
The average pregnancy for a squirrel only last for 38 to 46 days. What a lucky bunch of moms. This pregnant squirrel is going to each as much nuts as possible until the baby is born. Can I just say that pregnant squirrels are super cute, do you agree?
19. Hanging Low
Poor zebra, not only do zebras carry their baby for 330 to 390 days but this zebra’s belly is starting to droop. It is a great thing that moms are strong because that belly looks exhausting.
20. Protective Mom
This pregnant jaguar might look like her pregnancy will slow her down but still be careful. She already has the protective mama look on her face and that face means business. There is no scarier animal or person than a mom protecting her child.
21. Maternity Shoot
Petunia might have had one of the best maternity shoots to have ever happened. Petunia is a goat that was dressed up in a tutu and unicorn hat to celebrate her pregnancy. She might not understand what is happening but this mom looks great in a tutu.
22. Where Are The Babies?
This tree skink is pregnant with three babies, but can you see find them? Tree skinks are small animals, so luckily their babies are small too. This makes for an easier pregnancy and birth.
23. Hiding
This parakeet is hiding her pregnancy right under her feathers. She is also giving the stink eye to the camera. She does not want any attention at the moment, but she is too beautiful not to take a picture.
24. Pregnant Gecko
This pregnant gecko is not alone in the house. These gecko owners had two pregnant geckos at one time. There is about to be an entire gecko farm in their house once these babies come.
25. Taking a Break
Everyone needs a break, but pregnant mamas need more breaks than the average person or animal. This soon-to-be mom found a shady spot and took advantage. Her big belly looks hard to carry on those legs.
26. Sunshine
All this pregnant seal needed was a bit of sunshine and relaxation. The smile on her face is adorable as she takes a much needed nap. She better get all the relaxation she can before the baby comes.
27. Roly Poly Guinea Pig
Her pregnant belly has gotten so large that she cannot even use her hands anymore. Guinea pigs’ pregnancies only last for 28 to 34 days and it cannot come soon enough for this cutie. Thankfully, she has others to help her out because all pregnant moms need help time to time.
28. Pack Animals
Meerkats are known as pack animals. That is a great thing for pregnant meerkats because they will be taken care of by their pack. When their are multiple pregnant meerkats in one pack, the moms should all be careful because they will not like each other. Check the full story out here.
29. Praying
It almost looks as if this hare is praying for her pregnancy to end and to have her babies here already. Every pregnant mom reaches one point where they are completely over being pregnant. Luckily, this hare is only cleaning herself.
30. Curvy
This pregnancy is giving this elephant some extra curves and she is rocking it! This picture almost looks as if she is in a a photo shoot walking straight to the camera. Elephants have the longest pregnancies of any mammal, their pregnancies last up to 22 months! That is almost two years of being pregnant.
31. Paarhufer Goat
This goat might be tiny in height but it still knows how to carry its baby. It will just widen in width and look a bit funny. Those little legs must be exhausted from having to carry around the extra weight, but it will be worth it once the baby comes.
32. X-Ray Kittens
Have you ever seen an x-ray of a pregnant cat? I sure have not. This cat’s insides are completely full with her babies. She probably cannot wait until they are born, but then starts the feeding which is exhausting.
33. Love Handles Part One
This cow has grown some love handles during her pregnancy. Thankfully, the pregnancy has spread her belly out evenly and not to one side because that would make balance hard. This way she won’t tip over.
34. Love Handles Part Two
What do pregnant cows and horses have in common? They both become the same shape when they are pregnant. Their love handles come out on both sides and shows that their babies are coming out big!
35. Check Up
All pregnant ladies have to go to their check ups and this pregnant ghost bat is no different. She went to the veterinarian for an ultrasound to make sure her pregnancy is going according to schedule. I wonder what a baby bat’s heartbeat sounds like.
36. Over It
This cat is not happy at all about still being pregnant. She must be giving the evil eye to anyone that comes near her. This is one mother that does not enjoy being pregnant, but hopefully she will enjoy being a mommy.
37. Queen of the Jungle
This jaguar might be pregnant but she is still letting the animal kingdom know she is ferocious. Her pregnancy is not going to make her softer when it comes to others. Instead she will probably turn into a more ferocious mom and animal.
38. Needs a Break
It does not matter where this goat is going to take a much needed break, she is going to take it. She must be at the point in her pregnancy that she will sit or lay anywhere just to give her feet a rest. Girl, you take that break!
39. How Long?
Zebras can be pregnant for over one year. This means we all have to give mom zebras a big round of applause any time you see one. Well, most people do not see zebras so you can clap for this on the screen instead.
40. Side By Side
Here is a side by side of a cat’s insides and outsides during her pregnancy. She does not look too big but that x-ray shows a lot is happening inside. Her poor belly is just full of kittens.

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