Our dogs are with us through thick and thin. But before we know it, our time with them eventually comes to an end. It’s a very sad reality but is one that we all must face.
One woman shared a post about this reality that has since gone viral. 28-year-old Jessika Coke says she came to this realization when she noticed her dog, Moose, began to slow down.
“He has been with me my entire adult life. When I was learning how to be alone, he was there so I didn’t have to be,” she shared with Bored Panda.
“It seems odd to think that there will be a time that he will not be there for a major event in my life as he has been for all of the others.”
She isn’t alone. Her post received over 121K reactions, 113K shares, and 25k comments. Many of the comments were from pet owners sharing photos of their forever pals and their stories.
We hope you have a box of tissues nearby. Their photos and stories are sure to pull on your heart strings.
1. Moose
The dog who inspired it all! This is Jessika’s dog, Moose. She said that when writing the post, the words just flowed.
“As he was laying in bed with me one night, I began to cry thinking about how much my life would change without him. He has been like a shadow to me.”
2. Roxy
This heartbreaking photo shows Roxy on her last day. She’s surrounded by her family. She was 15-years-old. It’s amazing how dogs support one another and will be there for their loved ones until the end. She was surrounded by love.
3. Belle
Amanda’s “baby,” Belle, is such a cutie! Unfortunately, she recently found out that Belle has a lung tumor. We’re hoping that she made a full recovery! She looks so precious.
4. Milo
This is 5-year-old Milo! This pup has the cutest face, doesn’t he? His owner, Lindsey, writes that when he’s gone, her heart will snap in half.
Try not to worry yourself, Lindsey! He’s still a pup and has many years ahead! Enjoy every moment.
5. Sedona
This is Sedona! Cathy says her 13-year-old Husky is spoiled. She shared that Sedona is her heart and always knows when she’s having an off-day.
Dogs can read us like very few can!
6. Fletcher
Kama’s dog, Fletcher, had been around for 18 years. He’s been with her through a lot, including three homes, three dogs, a wedding, and deaths of loved ones. Of course, she misses him dearly.
7. Chelsea
Just look at this lovely Basset Hound! She looks so happy here. Unfortunately, she passed away due to complications from dementia.
“She was my life,” her owner, Christal, shared.
8. Murphy
Gina shared this photo of her dog, Murphy, shortly after he passed. She wrote that she misses him more than words. She also shared that he had an awesome personality.
What a beautiful dog!
9. Our first
This pup was their owner’s first “baby.” Stephanie shared that their future pup chose her husband 10 years prior. Unfortunately, she has dementia and sometimes forgets where she is and who they are. Still, she gives them snuggles.
10. Heart and soul
Jessica said that she relates to the posts wholeheartedly. She wrote that her two dogs mean everything to her. In fact, she refers to one as her “heart dog” and the other as her “soul dog.”
From the looks of it, they feel the same. She has their undivided attention!
11. Ride or die
Kerrie refers to her pup as her “ride or die.” This photo was taken nearly 2 years after her post-cancer diagnosis. We’re glad they’re doing well! They make quite the duo!
12. Missing both
Owner, Danielle, says she hasn’t been able to see her dogs for 2 years. However, the last time she saw her, she was going blind and having trouble walking. She was almost 15-years-old. In addition, her older lab, Sam, passed away two years prior.
Danielle later updated the post and shared that she passed away.
13. Andre
Danielle’s buddy, Andre, should be 17-years-old now. At the time, he was just turning 16. She shares that she’s had him for half of her life. They certainly have been through a lot together.
“…I’m so thankful for how he always stayed by my side and loved me through it all.”
14. Koko
Elizabeth shared that she’s had her “crazy girl,” Koko, since she was just 9-weeks-old. She confessed that she couldn’t imagine life without her. What will she miss the most? The back-talking and crazy shedding.
15. My girl
Helen shared this photo of her pretty girl. She wrote that she just realized how old she is — somewhere between 9 and 11. We hope that she has many more years left!
16. Hank
Hank was a rescue. He was abused and stranded when he was found in the middle of the road. Though his owner, Sharon, doesn’t know his exact age, she hopes that the years he’s spent with her have been his favorite. We’re sure they are. He looks so happy!
17. Maxi
Steve reminisced about his gorgeous Maxi. She was a fantastic dog who he misses dearly. Now, he shares a hound with his new partner.
18. Lucy
Little Lucy is a young 7 years! She looks very loved by her owner, Lauren.
Lauren got Lucy before having kids of her own. Luckily, she was able to get some practice in!
19. Old lady
Shasta shared that her “old lady” had just turned 17. As you can imagine, they’ve shared special moments over the years.
“She’s seen me through relationships, apartments, our house (which I bought so she could have a yard) and everything from my late twenties to mid-forties.”
What milestones! Here’s to wishing them many more!
20. Husky pup
Sam shared a photo of her Husky pup. He was only 8-weeks-old in this adorable photo. She shared that he adores and craves human interaction. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle with him?
21. Lifesaver
Brianna shared this photo of her pup. She wrote that he saved her life. Dogs are known to be life savers! Oftentimes, people say that they thought they were rescuing the dog but in reality, their dog was rescuing them.
22. Always by my side
Megan shared that her little girl was only 9-years-old. She adopted her when she was just a 7-week-old puppy. At the time, she had a 4-month-old daughter and her husband was deployed. Although she now has mobility issues, she knows that she will always be by her side.
23. Max
This Border Collie, named Max, was rescued from the pound. Patty got him as a Christmas gift to herself. It looks like he is certainly enjoying his new forever home!
Well-deserved, Max!
24. Khloe
Khloe rests under a blanket while her buddy, Phinn, comforts her shortly before she passes away. Their owner, Anna, shared that Phinn is normally “rambunctious” as he was only a pup at 18-months-old at the time. However, he had been “calm and gentle” and “wouldn’t leave her side” at the end.
25. Belle
Belle is almost 12-years-old! Her owner, Cara, says that a Saint Bernard’s life expectancy is only 8 to 10 years. Even after having surgery 4 years ago, she is going strong. Cara was even told that after the surgery she would only have a year left.
Way to go, Belle!
26. Ozzie
Trina shared a photo of the dog she lost. She says that after losing your dog, you’ll never be the same.
Her dog, Ozzie, was in a lot of pain, despite painkillers, before having to be put down. She wishes she was able to say goodbye.
27. The best of pals
Barbara’s 10-year-old boy looks like a happy pup! She shared that she couldn’t imagine a day without him. From the looks of it, he might not be able to imagine one without her either!
What a team!
28. Cutie patootie
Chris wrote that his dog, Daisy, passed away out of nowhere. He admitted that it was definitely hard. To help ease the pain, he adopted this cutie pie. We hope they are thriving together!
29. Sadie
Kim shared this photo of her sweet Sadie. At the time, she was about to be 12! She looks like a gentle giant.
“I cherish every day I have left with her.”
30. Just a pup
Cassie says her dog was diagnosed with cancer. He was given only 2 months to live but stuck around for another 13 months. Unfortunately, the cancer spread to his bladder. He was so adorable.
31. Harley
Harley was taken in as a rescue when he was just 1-years-old. When his owner, Nicky, shared his post, he mentioned that Harley just turned 12! He jokingly refers to him as an “old man” but states that they will make the best out of the few years he has left.
32. Toby
Pariya shared a photo of her dog, Toby, 17 days after he passed. She stated that he was the love of her life, partner in crime, and her everything. What a handsome fellow!
“My heart was shattered in million pieces the day he crossed over the rainbow bridge.”
33. Missed everyday
Judy says her girl almost lived until 14 1/2-years-old. She looks beautiful! Not to mention, patient. Just look at her waiting obediently for that steak. She clearly knows that she’ll be getting a piece.
34. Harley
Harley was 12-years-old when she passed away. Tina shared that she misses her everyday. She added that though she and her family have gotten other dogs, her heart still aches for her.
Harley looks beautiful!
35. My shadow
Annika refers to her little guy as her “shadow,” “second heartbeat,” and “love of her life.” He’s 14-years-old here and she got him when he was only 2. She also says that she would be imperfect without him.
36. Bailey
Lauren shared a photo of her 15-year-old Bailey. He looks sweet! A bonus because it looks like he’s grown to love bath time.
“It’ll break my heart when he is no longer here.”
37. Jordan
Meet Jordan. She’s 8-years-old and the apple of her owner’s eye! Carole says she couldn’t imagine life without her. She also agrees with Jessika — time does fly.
“It really is just a blink of an eye.”
38. Sofia
Poor Sofia, who was 17 when her owner, Gentry, shared her story last year.
“You don’t realize that there will be so many lasts-last walks, last time she’s able to walk up the stairs, or jump off the couch.”
He admits that seeing her in pain is difficult but says he cherishes every moment he can with her. Isn’t she just adorable?
39. Rocky
Trudy’s grand dog, Rocky, passed away the morning she shared this post. He was a rescue from a shelter in Michigan. In her post, she recalled how sweet he was. Trudy clearly thought of Rocky as a member of her family. She referred to him as her grand dog.
40. Time flies
Aireal says the 11 years went by before she could even blink! Sounds about right. She says the house won’t be the same with her doggy gone.
Cherish the time you have with your loved ones!
41. Kimber
This adorable dog passed away from cancer when she was just 10-years-old. Kimber was there for her owner, Brandon, when his ex cheated on him. But she was also there when he found the love of his life.
“It’s been very rough and not a day passes where I don’t think of her and even talk to her at times as stupid as that sounds.”
42. Monty
Iris posted this photo of their beloved Monty shortly after he passed. He was able to spend 15 precious years with his family.
“…we did love on him every day, knowing his time with us would always be too short.”
43. Handsome fellow
Look at this cutie in blue! His owner, Karen, says she still isn’t over the loss of her pup. He was a rescue and she was able to spend 10 years with him. He looks so handsome!
44. All in the family
Chentel says she loves her pup like her own daughter. When she had a son, they referred to her pup as “Edison’s sissy.” Now, Edison refers to her as “sissy.”
Dogs truly are members of the family!
45. My boy
Anne shared that her boy passed away suddenly. She was unable to put up a post about him but shared this photo and a brief caption instead. Unfortunately, he passed from a cardiac event and they weren’t sure what happened.
He looks like such a sweetheart.
46. Always loved
This happy dog is still here! Ty wrote that she turned 8 last May. They came into each other’s lives when she was just weeks old.
“She is absolutely family and her and her little sister are very loved.”
47. Chappy
Chappy was 13 1/2-years-old in this picture! Vicki shares that he is now completely deaf but she taught him hand signals. They are so close that each can anticipate what the other wants beforehand.
“He’s traveled around the country with me, went to college with me, and most recently licks the tears from my face that I shed from losing my son and snuggles with me.”
He sounds like a great pal!
48. Sango
Jessica lost her Sango in June a few years ago. She even refers to him as her soul mate. The love was very real. Even as recent as last year, she wrote, “My life hasn’t been the same since. I’ll love you forever Sango

He looks like a lovely dog.
49. Bailey/Bails
Bailey was rescued from an abusive household. Her father surprised her with Bailey on her birthday. When the family got another dog, Milo, she helped groom him into the dog that he is today. Unfortunately, Bailey passed away.
“We both miss her so much.”
50. Always here
Staci shared a photo of one of her loyal dogs comforting the other before she passed. She wrote they were brother and sister. His sister (on the left), remained nose-to-nose with him until he was taken to the vet. They were both 15 in this photo.
Dogs are simply the best. Cherish them everyday!
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