Possum tries to steal cat’s dinner and cat turns to mom for help
I can't believe her owner just stood by and laughed!
Colby Maxwell

Cats really do love their personal property – one might even call them territorial! If you own more than one cat, you know just how “catty” they can be. They often need separate everything – litter boxes, food trays, and drinking bowls.

So when one cat’s dinner was rudely interrupted by none other than a wild possum, she really didn’t know what to make of it all.

The cat’s owner was able to capture the moment on camera RIGHT as it happened. The resulting photos online are incredible. The cat’s reaction is hilarious and it has no idea how to react!

“Are you lost, pal?”


The photos were posted on Imgur in March 2018 and have since exploded, garnering over 47k views! When you see them for yourself, you will be amazed that something like this happened on camera.

The first pic shows the possum sitting close by the cat’s food bowl, as the cat watches from the safety of the doorway. It seems that he’s only just arrived on the porch, and the poor cat looks as if she has no idea what to do! So she sits and simply stares at the possum, evidently hoping that he’ll run away.

“Excuse me, that’s actually MY dinner.”


When the possum starts eating the cat’s food, you can see the cat look over to her human with a look of absolute desperation. She wants her food back, but not if she has to deal with that thing!

“Umm. A little help please.”


As we see the possum licking his chops, the cat decides she is done acting helpless – it’s time for the big guns. Putting her face right up to the window and giving the most desperate look she can, she practically begs her human for help. Her human starts laughing instead of helping though! Typical human.

“You see there’s been a mistake, you accidentally gave MY dinner to this imposter.”


The cat is beginning to realize that her desperate looks aren’t doing the job. It’s time to get brave and face this on her own.

“You serious??? You’re just gonna stand there and take pictures, I’m starving… You know what, that’s fine.”


Creeping over to the bowl, the cat is right next to where the possum is eating. the cat is learning a valuable lesson here – a meal shared is better than no meal at all… except… the possum doesn’t seem to be interested in sharing at all!

“I can share…oh my favorite. CAT food.”


The cat soon realizes that she isn’t going to get her food back. It’s time for a quick retreat away from the possum.

“Ok ok ok sorry, enjoy.”


When the cat learns that the meal isn’t happening with that possum around, she just reverts to staring at her owner. I’m sure the human still allowed her to have a fresh bowl inside the house after this!

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