Elephant Sands is a lodge and campsite located in the north eastern part of Botswana, Africa. It’s a great place to visit and unwind with friends. You could even take your special someone there if that’s your sort of thing.
It’s an open area with minimal fencing allowing guests the full experience of watching the elephants go about their day. These guys certainly got their money’s worth when they visited!

Pool party!
It is Africa and it was a lovely day. Perfect for a swim. So what do the guys do? They jump right in with their beers at an arm’s reach. Just another wonderful day in Botswana. And it got even better.

Since the place is pretty much wide open, it was inevitable that someone else would have joined the party. Well it did happen. And that someone else turned out to be an elephant. Seriously.

The huge mammal just ever so casually walks up from the trees to the pool area not even caring about the strange looking half naked humans. And since the guys are having beers, Mr. Loxodonta Africana might as well have a drink. Of the pool water!

Look at the elephant chug it down with its trunk!
There’s no chlorine in the water so it’s safe.
And elephant can drink up to fifty gallons a day. This one probably drank a good five already. Look at how thirsty it is!

What watering hole?
Elephant Sands says on their website,
“Come and enjoy viewing the elephants at our natural waterhole right in front of the lodge. Watch these impressive creatures whilst they drink at only a couple of meters away from you, a unique experience!”
Uh huh. No one said anything about it being THIS close.

An elephant never forgets.
Which means this massive land animal could come back for more pool time. Look at those two guys in the pool just frozen and staring at the magnificent mammal. This wasn’t part of the tour but they’ll take it!
There’s a can of beer by the elephant but no one’s making a move for it. As far as they’re concerned, if the elephant wants the beer, he can have it!

That’s an earful.
Those huge ears are unique to the African elephant. Plus they radiate heat to help cool those huge bodies down but this being Africa, sometimes the heat can become unbearable for these seven ton behemoths. Hence their love for water.
They will drink and drink and shower themselves using those trunks like a powerful hose. That trunk has 40,000 muscles so beat that Arnold Schwarzenegger! They have two finger-like features on the end of those trunks which they use to grab small objects. Asian elephants only have one.

Whose crocs are those?
After it drank its fill, the elephant spends a good how many seconds just looking at the guys in the pool. Then the creature switches to the camera man. It’s well hydrated and has now noticed the humans. What, no trunks and tusks?

The elephant must have had more important things to do. It walks off, leaving the stunned swimmers in the water. Whatever effect those beers have had on them was surely gone after the elephant’s departure. Talk about a sobering experience!

Watch how this elephant crashed this pool party below!
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