Animal cruelty is by far one of the most deplorable acts a person can ever commit. It is truly dehumanizing when we cannot coexist peacefully with another species simply due to our inability to be kind.
Unfortunately, that was the case for a poor dog who was forced to walk beside a moving vehicle in Lochgelly, Scotland. The driver maintained the dog on a leash while the car kept moving forward. I do want to warn that the following images and video may cause deep discomfort.
GeoPaw Cowdenbeath, a local dog-walking company, mentioned that the video demonstrated the “height of stupidity”. It clearly shows the owner’s complete disregard towards the safety and health of the dog being forced to walk.

A spokesperson for the company said, ” I almost cannot believe what I’m seeing. this may look funny to some folk but going by comments from those who have seen the video the dog was absolutely terrified. it’s also extremely dangerous and just the height of stupidity. It’s unbelievable that any human can treat animals like this in this day and age. It’s just sickening.”
This is truly a sick joke that should never be played on any animal. The complete lack of regard towards the animal’s safety indicates that the driver is either extremely senseless and lacks empathy and/or is under the influence of a harmful substance.

Whatever the case may be we clearly see the dog is struggling and reluctant to keep going with the walk. Dogs are meant to protect us, give us company, and be there when we need comfort the most. This is definitely not the way to treat a Man’s best friend.

No new information concerning the incident has been reported, but the investigation continues to track down the perpetrator in question.
Many of the local dog owners have raised the issue and have demanded that law enforcement take the case very seriously. The license plate was clearly visible in the clip and so the residents are clearly trusting the police to get the job done.
One dog owner, Jennifer Sterritt, had some disheartening words for the recent attention towards animal cases by police. This came after another recent incident where a puppy was abandoned by his owner in a sweltering car of about 100°F.

“I’ve seen time and time again people complaining about all types of animal abuse but they are letting the animals down big-time,” she said. There needs to be more focus and the tension drawn to animal cases such as these in order for justice to be brought to the table.
On the other hand, we can be grateful for those who take their time to independently document the injustices that happen each and every day. These are the people who use the power of technology as the voice for those who have been victimized and cannot defend themselves. If it wasn’t for the video footage, who knows if law enforcers would have any leads towards pursuing justice for the pup.

if you witness suspected cruelty to animals make sure to call your local animal control agency as soon as possible or dial 911. if you make a report of alleged animal cruelty, the responding agency is required to investigate. Together, we can put a stop to this vile and toxic behavior once and for all.
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