Heroic police dog with tough past steals the show with incredible ‘mind-reading’ trick
Finn had quite a story to tell -- and quite a trick to show off.
Harper Gillis

Finn, a German Shepherd with a badge, has a story that’s nothing short of remarkable.

This brave police dog, alongside his handler, took to the stage of Britain’s Got Talent to share their extraordinary journey.

Their story is one of loyalty, courage, and an unbreakable bond forged in the line of duty.


The drama unfolded in January 2018 when Finn and his partner, PC Dave Wardell, were in hot pursuit of a suspect.

In a heart-stopping moment, the suspect wheeled around, brandishing a ten-inch blade aimed at Wardell.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Finn leaped to his partner’s defense, taking the brunt of the attack.


The blade struck him in the chest and head—a brutal testament to his devotion.

With the suspect restrained, Wardell’s first thought was Finn’s survival.

He rushed the wounded hero to an emergency vet, where surgeons worked feverishly to save him.

The knife had pierced Finn’s lung and came perilously close to his heart.

Yet, fate was on their side, and Finn’s strength prevailed.

“Finn was linked up to all sorts of machines and breathing aids, and all I could see was my big, brave boy so horribly diminished,” Wardell recounted to The Daily Mail, a poignant image of his partner’s vulnerability.


Finn’s resilience saw him through, and once healed, he returned to the streets with Wardell, continuing their mission to protect and serve.

Eventually, the time came for Finn to hang up his collar, retiring to a life of well-earned rest with Wardell, where their bond could deepen without the shadow of danger.


Retirement brought a new chapter for Finn, filled with leisure and the chance to learn new tricks — quite literally.

Wardell discovered that Finn had a knack for something quite extraordinary: mind-reading.

This newfound talent was not just a parlor trick — it was a testament to Finn’s intelligence and their incredible connection.


In April, the duo decided to showcase this mind-boggling ability on Britain’s Got Talent.

Wardell initiated the act by inviting judge David Walliams to jot down an object’s name.

Walliams scribbled ‘table,’ and after a secretive glance from Finn, Wardell announced the word correctly, to the astonishment of judges and audience alike.


The performance took a touching turn as Wardell shared a video of their shared experiences, highlighting the harrowing time when Finn was injured.

The emotional narrative moved everyone in the audience, with judge Simon Cowell visibly touched by the poignant display.


The act culminated with Cowell joining Finn and Wardell on stage for one final demonstration of their mind-reading prowess.

Their performance was met with unanimous praise, earning them a pass to the next round.

Simon, moved by their story, expressed his admiration, “If I had a golden buzzer left I’d give it to you. When I hear about animal cruelty, especially dogs, it upsets me. A dog will literally give up its life for you. Finn’s beautiful, I love him.”


Reflecting on their Britain’s Got Talent experience, Wardell shared his initial jitters and how Finn, ever the steadfast companion, provided him with comfort.

“I got tongue-tied when I saw Simon Cowell but Finn didn’t. Like when we were on the streets, Finn pulled us through.It’s a different world, but we smashed it,” he said.

For Wardell, the opportunity to share Finn’s story and highlight the service of animals like him was a victory in itself.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, see below!

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