Pitites with no one else in the world comfort each other in shelter
They only had each other.
Maria Pangilinan

Pit bulls and pit bull mixes often get a bad rap.

These dogs are often viewed as dangerous, angry, and aggressive. Many people have a poor impression of them because of how they are portrayed and seen in the news and other media.

However, this negative image comes from a small group of pit bulls who were most likely treated aggressively by owners preparing them for dog fights or treating them like guard dogs.

Most pit bulls, also known as pitties, are actually loving and gentle.

Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie
Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

Bridget and Louie are pitties dropped off at a shelter by their previous owner without any explanation.

They were huddled in a corner of the shelter, looking sad and broken.

“It seemed all they had was each other. They needed to learn what love felt like. I wanted to be the one to teach them,” Minda Harris shared with The Dodo.

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Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

She and her husband rushed to the shelter to foster Bridget and Louie and bring them home.

Harris said that Louie, the smaller black dog, was still so timid even when they were in their new home.

He would stay under or behind Bridget, shaking and scared of his surroundings. Bridget saw herself as Louie’s protector, standing in front of him and keeping an eye on him.

YouTube The Dodo
YouTube The Dodo

On the other hand, Bridget was comfortable almost immediately. When they got home, she hopped on the couch and stayed there all day.

Harris said that Bridget was able to relax for the first time, without worrying about where she was, or how Louie was.

She also said that Bridget and Louie didn’t know how to be in a home and had to be taught basic commands like how to sit. They also had to be crate trained until they got used to living inside a house.

Louie still followed Bridget around, even sharing her crate.

Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie
Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

“It was amazing how much they opened up by just being in a home,” she said.

However, the drastic change that everyone was waiting for happened when Bridget and Louie met Minda’s other dogs. They were more excited to meet their new dog friends than to meet their foster parents.

Bridget and Louie immediately ran outside and began playing with the other dogs.

Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie
Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

At this point, Minda knew the pitties were going to be okay.

Bridget and Louie were still completely attached to each other even when they became more comfortable in their new home. When one went outside to play, the other immediately followed.

If Bridget went on the couch, Louie also jumped on the sofa.

Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie
Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

When they were ready to be adopted, there was no question that they had to be adopted together.

When Monica reached out to Minda to adopt the pitties, Minda knew that the dogs had found a new forever home.

Monica followed their story for months and was the perfect new mom for Bridget and Louie.

Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie
Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

Minda and her husband packed up their car and drove Bridget and Louie from Houston to San Diego, where their new home would be.

“When you foster, it’s never easy to let go,” Minda shared.

While the feeling was bittersweet, she knew Monica was right for the dogs when they entered their new home.

The dogs had found a new loving home and a mom who would care for them forever.

Today, Bridget and Louie have been happily living with Monica for a few years.

Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie
Facebook The Adventures of Bridget and Louie

Louie is now the more energetic and outgoing one, a far cry from how he behaved when he was first fostered. Bridget still curls up on the couch for hours, and both dogs still prefer each other’s company over anyone else.

Watch the video of Louie and Bridget transforming from scared to fun-loving pitties below!

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