Pitbull Upset With Daddy And Gives Him An Earful
This pit bull sure is a daddy’s girl.
Eduardo Gaskell

Roxy is a daddy’s girl. She wants all his time and if he leaves, he’d better come back on the dot. What happens if dad is late, you ask? Well judging by Roxy’s reaction in this video, you can bet she’s upset. Dad’s fault.

Roxy is a Pit Bull mix. But her heart is pure doggy love. She’s agitated and excited, acting up in front of her dad who keeps asking her what’s going on. Forget about the stigma attached to this breed. Roxy is adorable!

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She’s a dramatic actress!

Roxy walks in circles then drops down on the carpet with her eyes to the floor. Dad asks,

“Did you miss me?”

The dog jumps up with an emotional bark as if to confirm daddy’s suspicions. Roxy even jumps up with her paws on her daddy while she barks her emotions out. Such a drama queen.

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So much bull.

Roxy howls and barks in protest the moment her dad starts teasing her about missing him. She even lets out a few deep, guttural howls and growls. Not even scary, Roxy, but good try.

A viewer is moved though,

“What a beautiful, sweet creature. Such a love, boy did she miss you! If only people knew what pit bulls are really like, everyone would want one…thanks for sharing, made me smile.”


Roxy is serious.

Dad and dog go back and forth with Roxy interrupting her human every now and then in protest. It’s like she’s giving him a sermon for being late and making her wait. Doggy years are shorter!

“Oh come on. Really? Are you serious? Why?”

More barking and howling.

“Were you cold today?”

Roxy walks off. Really.

“Rox, come here. Were you cold today? Were you? Oh my God, why do you gotta get upset with me?”

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Well that was awkward.

See, Roxy is just like any other dog in that they just want to be with their humans 24/7. But maybe dad had to work late or hang out with his buddies too. A dog doesn’t know that. As far as they’re concerned, the human should be with them all the time.

John Sepuvleda knows this hence his YouTube channel. It’s mostly content about Roxy that he’s willing to share to the public.

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It’s Roxy everything.

From the dog wanting a new bed, to getting a cone, and wearing a sweater, it’s obvious how much the man loves his dog. Now if only Roxy could know that. Or maybe it’s never enough. Dad got home late and that’s that.

Pit Bulls are highly intelligent and they love life. These dogs are very active wanting to be involved in everything their humans do. They keep that puppy playfulness even as they get older which make for amusing moments. Just like Roxy here.


Roxy and Pits require tons of attention and socializing which also translates to lots of training. They are playful and strong.

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They are good watchdogs. Because they want to be friends with the newcomer. Pits aren’t the dangerous, blood thirsty creatures told in stories. They are charming, loving, companion dogs who just want to be with their humans. Ask dad.

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Check out Roxy’s tantrums in the video below!

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