Two pit bulls walk into a hospital and head straight to pharmacy
Two pit bulls that escaped on an adventure confused patients and staff alike at a local medical facility.

St. Luke’s medical facility in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley considers itself one of the “most patient-friendly and patient accessible hospitals in the region.” But it turns out the office building on the Anderson Campus is also – unintentionally – pet-friendly as well!

Back in 2017, a security camera at the Cancer Center caught two canine guests just traipsing in through the front door and giving themselves a tour.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

According to NBC 10 Philadelphia, the dogs were friendly pit bulls named Emma and Nero who had just slipped out of the home of their owner Kathy Tamasi. They were simply off on an adventure.

The security camera footage picks them up as soon as they walk through the sliding doors. And along their route, other cameras show the pups walking around like nothing is amiss before heading to the center’s HomeStar Pharmacy.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

St. Luke’s wrote in their Facebook post sharing the video:

“Two dogs strolled into HomeStar Pharmacy in Anderson’s Medical Office Building. Imagine our Pharmacists surprise when she noticed who was waiting to be helped! We are happy to report we were able to safely transport the dogs out of the hospital! The dogs enjoyed the accessibility and welcoming employees at St. Luke’s Anderson campus!”

A woman walking in right behind the dogs clearly knew something was wrong and flagged down some help, pointing in the direction of the surprise visitors.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

But they were already on their way down the hall to the pharmacy to see if there were any doggie treats or attention to be had there.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

They managed to wander through the waiting area in the pharmacy and down the hall a couple of times before anyone realized something was amiss.


It’s just not the kind of thing you expect to see at work!

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

The pharmacist takes a moment to process what she’s seeing.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

When employees finally noticed, they were confused but took turns petting the pups.

Of course, they also called security.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

Two officers came and managed to get the pups on leashes before escorting them out and getting them some water.


It turns out their owner was easy to find.

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

In the comment section on their video, St. Luke’s assured concerned dog-lovers that everything went smoothly:


“The police came and held the dogs until they found who the owners were. As soon as they found who the owners were they came and picked them up. They were never transported to a shelter.”

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

A woman at the facility that day also shared her memory of the experience in the comments:

“I was there the day the dogs were running around and I have to say, it was quite funny, especially seeing them in the police car after they got captured. lol. Very friendly dogs.”

Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook
Screenshot via St. Luke's University Health Network/Facebook

Tamasi, the dogs’ mom, also thanked the facility for their handling of the situation:

“Thank you saint Lukes [sic] staff for caring for my 2 escapees! I’m glad they had enough sense to hang out there!”

She shared a photo of the pooped pups after they got home from their great adventure:


There was no harm done that day, thankfully, and everyone is just relieved that the dogs got home safe and sound.

And while some pups just have a knack for escaping every now and then, we’re sure their owner put some extra precautions in place after the video went viral.

Be sure to scroll down below for footage from Emma and Nero’s big day out.

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