We love hanging out with our pets.

They love to lounge, they’re good listeners, and while they might like to play with a ribbon – or a ball a little longer than we want- they’re usually helping us get some exercise in the process.

Some of us love our pets so much that we can hardly stand to be without them – so much so that we even start to look alike!

When it comes to dogs, in particular, psychologists have even tried to figure out just why and how canines and their human companions look alike. Their best guess is that our (vaguely narcissistic) tendency to cherish things that look like us and act like us (even if it’s very subtle) is what draws us to our pets to begin with (and there’s no reason the same can’t be true of cats – although we’re going to draw the line at turtles and fish, but feel free to argue).

Researchers have even argued that we have more in common (personality-wise) with our dogs than we do with our friends or partners!

That stray you found, or that pet you went home with instead of the breed you were hoping to get from the shelter? It likely “spoke” to you in a language we don’t quite yet understand – you might have seen something of yourself in the animal.

Think it sounds like a bunch of baloney? The research has been replicated over and over again all over the world.

And while we may not have a satisfactory answer as to just how it all works, we know that we both seek out and influence our pets in a way that they both look like AND act like us.

Want some proof? We’ve got 60 examples – some of them admittedly silly – that show just how much we start to look, act, sit, sleep, etc. like the creatures we live with.

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