They love to lounge, they’re good listeners, and while they might like to play with a ribbon – or a ball a little longer than we want- they’re usually helping us get some exercise in the process.
Some of us love our pets so much that we can hardly stand to be without them – so much so that we even start to look alike!
When it comes to dogs, in particular, psychologists have even tried to figure out just why and how canines and their human companions look alike. Their best guess is that our (vaguely narcissistic) tendency to cherish things that look like us and act like us (even if it’s very subtle) is what draws us to our pets to begin with (and there’s no reason the same can’t be true of cats – although we’re going to draw the line at turtles and fish, but feel free to argue).
Researchers have even argued that we have more in common (personality-wise) with our dogs than we do with our friends or partners!
That stray you found, or that pet you went home with instead of the breed you were hoping to get from the shelter? It likely “spoke” to you in a language we don’t quite yet understand – you might have seen something of yourself in the animal.
Think it sounds like a bunch of baloney? The research has been replicated over and over again all over the world.
And while we may not have a satisfactory answer as to just how it all works, we know that we both seek out and influence our pets in a way that they both look like AND act like us.
Want some proof? We’ve got 60 examples – some of them admittedly silly – that show just how much we start to look, act, sit, sleep, etc. like the creatures we live with.
1. Couch potatoes
How sweet is this dog just trying to chill – human-style – with its owner on the couch?
Just two friends trying to enjoy an afternoon of relaxation.

2. Ol’ blue eyes
But this pet really does seem to have been chosen (subconsciously, perhaps) for its family resemblance.

3. Making faces
At least she knows they’re having fun.

4. Puppy love
Sometimes it’s the humans who go out of their way to mimic their pets.
We’re just trying to show them how much we have in common!

5. Mouth breathers
Looks like everyone is getting the rest the need.

6. Surfing the net
Perhaps it’s downloading one of those cat TV shows on YouTube.
We just hope it doesn’t have a credit card handy.

7. Workout buddy
The video of everyone in action is here.
Sometimes our pets love us so much that they’ll participate in just about anything to stay by our side.

8. Backseat buddy
This is just more proof that we want our animals to be just like us (and that they’re often happy to play along).

9. Copy cat
It’s pretty darn cute when animals adapt our postures – and we can’t help but “aww” at this snuggly cat who wants to lie next to its owner in bed so much that it’s willing to have its own reading material placed in its hands.
The cat really does look like it’s trying to read, but it’s probably just thinking “why do humans stare at inanimate objects for so long?”

10. Partners in crime
Taking up some of the same behaviors and postures puts them right back in your good graces.

11. Just one of the guys
All he needs is a beer in his paw to complete the look.

12. That look
And we see it – it’s subtle, but these two have even started giving the same glance in selfies.

13. Twinning
Clearly, people are happy to mimic their dogs.
Exhibit A:

14. Just part of the family
Maybe this pup just wants to see what the big deal is – or maybe it appreciates that waterfront view as much as the humans who are paying for it.

15. Explorers

16. Happy together
Maybe dogs can’t really smile, but they sure can make themselves look happy.

17. Chillaxin’
Maybe he or she thinks no one can tell them apart from their human.

18. Bleach blondes
Same bottle of peroxide? Or total coincidence?

19. Toothy twins
Perhaps it’s just to show us that her or she is becoming more human by the moment.

20. Where’s my ring?
Just look at this pup trying to get in on the engagement action!
It just goes to show that when you marry into a family, you agree to love and cherish the pets as well.

21. Commiserating
This sweet dachshund doesn’t want mom to feel alone as she gets some much-deserved rest on the couch.
It looks like this pup is ready for some siblings to play with as well.

22. Masterful matching
Either way, they are a fabulous sight to behold!

23. Reflection
We understand that cats like fireplaces…but the chair?

24. Kitty contentment
Being in tune with your pet is a great feeling.

25. Goofy grins
If you think these two share a resemblance in this photo, you should see them in slide #43!

26. Tress twins
They’re a perfect match!

27. Sharing the surprise

28. Horror show
Again, we’re not sure what inspired these expressions, but it just goes to show how much people are willing to mimic their pets, even if the resemblance is less than adorable.

29. Icy stare
These two look like a match made in judgy heaven.

30. All smiles
A man posted this pic of his girlfriend and dog – perhaps proving that he really does have a “type.”
31. Off in the distance
We sure hope she framed this one.

32. Ok, that’s cheating
But the end result is pretty fabulous, if you ask us.

33. Color coordination

34. Bedroom eyes
Even their noses start to look similar if you stare at this pic long enough.

35. Pals in plaid
We’re not sure what would motivate someone to do it, but there’s no denying that these two both look pleasant in plaid.

36. On the road
Yep, these two are truly twinning on their road trip.

37. How many cats does it take to change a lightbulb?
Still, there are so many jokes here.

38. Just hangin’
Luckily, only one of them has a giant strand of drool coming from his mouth.

39. Netflix and chill
We just want to know what it is!

40. Smiling sleepers

41. Sideview similarities
The pup has a few more wrinkles – but give it time!

42. Silver foxes
Either way, these two bear an uncanny resemblance to one another because of their white, flowing hair.

43. Hunk and husky
And they both look like they know just how beautiful they are.

44. Curly cuties
Kudos to both for keeping those curls in check – that’s hard work!

45. Matching haircuts
But the resemblance is more obvious when you can see the dog’s eyes a bit better.

46. Perfect timing
We’d hate to think the cat was seeing an oncoming car on the road.

47. Not so sure
But we’re loving this shot of these two and their matching expressions.

48. Purrfect pair
They even have the same leg crossed.

49. Dopplegangers
Check out those mustaches!

50. Tomato, turtle, toddler
Sometimes we’re just drawn to each other. And a bunch of fresh tomatoes apparently doesn’t hurt either (despite the fact that it’s an unexpected lunch).

51. I scream, you scream
We’re not sure what the cat is doing here, but it doesn’t look angry or annoyed.
Maybe it just likes smiling for the camera.

52. Canine cool
This pet owner is committed to the twinning endeavour.

53. Yorkie yowza
We’re sure it’s all about the resemblance to his Yorkie.

54. Going grey
These two are so intense.

55. Give me 10
He won’t just slap you 5 – he’ll give you all 10.

56. Disappointed diner
We just want to see the cat use the fork.

57. To the left, to the right
Such a sweet photo!

58. Happy together
But maybe he’s just not as willing as his sibling to sit like a human.
Do you think that’s comfortable?

59. Back scratchers
But this pair looks like their having a blast copying one another.

60. Red menace
Now he or she need only look to their owner to see what their future holds.

Have you ever noticed the similarities before now?
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