Funny nicknames pets wound up with instead of their original name
We give our beloved pets some very indignified names.

You probably have “pet names” for your cats and dogs. They may have started out as Rex and are now often called Sir Rexington.

That may amuse you but things get a lot crazier than that.

When a pet insurance company did their last survey of silly pet names, those for cats included: Hairy Pawter, Avocato, Admiral Turbo Meowington A, J’abba D’Cat, and Fluff Smudge Nut.

We don’t know where people get these from!

For dogs, the silliest names included: Albus Dumbledog, Bilbo Beggins, Nostradogmus, Bubba Snuggles, and Spartykiss.

Now if you think those are bad, consider just how strange things get when we come up with their nicknames!

Check out these pet name evolutions and be amazed.

1. We see how you got there?

We have 3 dogs, Kaia also goes by: Miss Pants, Stinky Pants, Grey Lady, Miss Bitch, Stinky Kaia Pants, Fat Mama & PanPan. I’m not sure she knows what her real name is now.

Actually, no, there’s no explanation for how they got to PanPan from Kaia. But that’s what makes it funny.

We bet if you have a treat in your hand, Stinky Pants will come running no matter what you call her.

2. Hey, Berk

This is Frazzle, sadly no longer with us. He went by Frazz, FrazDaz, Frazzler Bobby Dazzler, Flump, Woozle Wozzle. Also Berk, but that’s also one of Sox’s names too. He had songs too.

Frazzle is an already silly dog name, so it was bound to descend into further chaos.

We just want to know how “Flump” got in there!

3. Sniff it out

We had a dog called Felicity/Listy/Loo-Loo/Smellbane the Stench-hound.

Some animals do get stinkier over time, but “stinky” is also a strange thing we tend to call our pets even when they smell just fine.

Still, there’s a big difference between Felicity and Stench-hound!

4. Oi!

My Jack Russell is called Travis. To whit; Travster, TravvyBab, Babbly, Bobbly, Wobbly Bobbly, Bob, MonkeyBob, Munkus, Munkus Mazula King of the Bustus, Bustus Beans, Beans, Balls, and now finally Bollock Brains. He mostly looks confused and only answers to “Oi!”

If you sound annoyed, dogs will tend to come to see what’s going on. So calling out Oi probably works better than saying “here here, Balls.”

5. Moobag

This is Muppet. She’s not even a year old yet and already responds to Mupster, Muppy-Moo and Moobag.
Both our dogs respond to Oi, Furbag!

“Bag” is also a pretty common suffix for pet nicknames. And while it doesn’t necessarily sound like a term of endearment, it totally is.

6. No, not Doggy McDogface!

My dog is Arwen, aka Plumpkin, Arwy-Marwy, Marwin, Chubby, Plumpy, Sweetness, and, I’m sorry to say, Doggy McDogface.

Our civilization will never live down the whole Boaty McBoatface disaster.

Then again, we’d prefer it to Plumpy.

7. Butts

Butters is our dog, not a great name to start with but soon turns into ButtDog or Buttery buttery butt butt.

Butt is perhaps the most common suffix, but these folks managed to use it as a prefix at ButtDog. Isn’t DogButt just easier?

8. She’s not amused

We nicknamed our our cat Curlycat. Soon shortened to Curly, then to “you banana” or “bananaface” because he’s so daft.

There are just some words that come out of our mouths because they’re fun to say. And it’s not like you can really call a kid “Banana” – at least not for long – so pets get this fine distinction.

9. Bob to Bum

My partner’s mum has a dog called Ollie which we call Ollie-bob. Ollie-bob > Bobbles > Bobbly-bum > Bum! Poor bugger, not sure he knows what his name is anymore.

We kind of like “Bobbly-bum.” Frankly, it’s a good thing our pets have no idea what any of these words mean.

Otherwise, they might be offended.

10. Nutface

Our dog is called Nutmeg. A lovely name for a dog. But the sad truth is most of the time we call her Nutface.

This is the Tweet that started it all. And we can see why. It’s such an easy transition to a nickname – linguistically speaking – and yet so ridiculous at the same time.

We nickname people and pets as a sign of affection. It just so happens that our pets get the nicknames we’d never dare call a human.

And sometimes that makes them even cuter!

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