It’s important to be vigilant when it comes to your pets, especially during the holiday season. Cats and dogs have a way of getting into all sorts of trouble when presents, Christmas trees, and ornaments are involved. The decorations are just too tempting to pass up — they look like toys to the playful animals. Sometimes, they might even end up spoiling Christmas dinner by eating it themselves.
Don’t believe us? Just take it from these unlucky pet owners. Their fun-loving pets caused some big disasters over the holidays and the owners have the pictures to prove it. From using the Christmas trees as jungle gyms to opening presents early, the amount of mischief these cats and dogs got into is pretty incredible. They didn’t intend on ruining Christmas, but unfortunately, they did.

Kata K
1. Epic Chase
Everyone knows that dogs love chasing cats. That’s what happened in this household over the holidays. First, the cat jumped into the tree. Then the dog followed shortly after.

2. Gift Wrapping
In this household, the owners were wrapping their presents and the dog wanted to help out. The pup didn’t get a lot done, but he did have a lot of fun. He shredded several rolls of wrapping paper.

3. Holiday Hater
This cat is pretty much the Grinch. She knocked the Christmas tree over and casually walked away like nothing ever happened. She couldn’t care less.

4. Nativity Terror
This beautiful nativity scene is no match for the cat. She can be seen terrorizing the entire village. The cat is more or less a giant in comparison to the little figurines.

Nicoletta Brenna
5. Can’t Wait
This cat decided to open the presents early. Her owner came down on Christmas morning to discover her innocently lying on her back with all of the gifts unwrapped. She is not guilty though, she claims.

6. Good View
When you have a cat, you don’t even need to put a star on top of the tree. The cat can replace it instead. Climbing Christmas trees is especially fun for them. They do it naturally.

Laurie Nethaway
7. Fallen Tree
Within minutes of putting up the tree, the cat had already knocked it over. It’s pretty much a lost cause to try and prop it up again. The rambunctious cat will always find a way to win.

8. Hiding Spot
In this photo, the cat can be seen hiding in the branches of the Christmas tree. Because of her white colors, she blends right in. She could easily be mistaken for an ornament.

9. First Responder
Yes, the dog was the first one at the scene, but she is not to blame for the accidental tumbling of the tree. She said that the tree “just fainted on its own”. We’re not sure if we believe her.

10. Big Jump
As soon as the ornaments got hung up, the cat started knocking them down. One by one he batted them off of the tree and onto the ground. Luckily, the higher up ones were much harder to reach.

Alice in Wonderland
11. Yummy Candy Cane
This cat found a tasty treat hanging on the tree. It bit onto the candy cane and wouldn’t let go. It was kind of difficult to eat, but it was just too delicious to give up.

12. Exploring Around
In this home, the kitten doesn’t know what to think about the tree. It is her first Christmas with her new family. She is still learning about the joys of the holiday season.

13. Book Destroyer
This silly pup started ripping pages out of some of his owner’s books. He never thought that he would get caught. However, that’s exactly what happened.

14. Nap Time
It turns out, Christmas trees are a pretty good place to take a nap. The cat is very comfortable up there in the branches. She has no intention of getting down anytime soon.

Meredith Murphy
15. Christmas Hunger
This is what it looks like when a hungry pup goes exploring through the presents in search of treats. He can’t speak like humans can, but his owners know exactly what he is trying to say about the ordeal — “I ate Christmas!”

Bark Post
16. Tree Topper
Here we have a cat perched right on the top of the tree. She smushes it down a little bit, but that’s okay. It looks much better than having an artificial light-up angel or star attached instead.

Nik Wooller
17. Secret Spot
Can you see the cat in this photo? He isn’t easy to detect. He is buried deep in the boughs of the big Christmas tree.

Teresa Brevini
18. Knockout Win
This tree was no match for the crazy cat. She destroyed the tree pretty easily. Since it was a small artificial one, all she had to do was attack it once.

19. Chew Toy
The needles are made of plastic, but that doesn’t discourage this cat at all. She’ll chew on it for hours. Who knew a fake Christmas tree could be so delicious?

Bored Panda
20. Ferocious Beast
The small mountain town was having a great Christmas until a giant cat came along. It parked itself right in the middle of the square and wouldn’t leave the villagers alone. The huge feline is terrifying for the tiny men and women.

Bas Huybers
21. Holiday Fun
There is nothing that these dogs love more than the holiday season. It is their favorite time of year. There are lots of neat things to play with and sometimes they even dress up as reindeer.

Beagles To The Rescue
22. Close Call
The cats were having a lot of fun jumping around the tree. They accidentally tipped it over, but luckily, the chair kept the tree from completely getting destroyed. At least, for the moment…

wiseheart knits
23. Santa’s Little Helper
This cat figured that he would help his parents with the decorating. Although, it was harder than he thought. He quickly realized why humans normally use ladders to reach the top of the tree.

Bored Panda
24. Funny Bird
It’s not just cats and dogs that like to help with Christmas. Other pets are big fans of the holiday as well. Even birds occasionally get in on the fun.

Rallu Ghencea
25. Tight Squeeze
One of the most challenging parts about having a Christmas tree is getting underneath it to water it. That’s where this cat comes in handy. He is great at squeezing underneath there to access the base.

26. So Beautiful
The cat really loved the blue colors on this tree. It couldn’t resist getting an up-close and personal look at the ribbons and lights. It shimmied its way right up the trunk.

Jenna-Leigh Bundock
27. Acting Mischievous
These two got in a lot of trouble while their owners were out of the house. They didn’t set out to ruin Christmas, but unfortunately, that’s what happened. The tree is wrecked!

Charlotte P-Mo
28. Bead Toys
Just because the tree is already decorated doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. That’s what this cat realized. He saw the beads hanging there and knew he had to go inspect them.

Andre L. Castro
29. Happy Pups
These tiny puppies love playing with wrapping paper. It is one of their favorite hobbies. They look very cute while doing it too.

30. Holiday Spirit
Christmas is a magical time of the year. Cats love it. Just look at how mesmerized this little furball is with the dazzling lights.

31. New Ornament
In this image, you can’t see the cat’s body at all. She is so covered up by the branches of the tree that it makes her head look like a Christmas ornament.

Ava Eekhoff
32. Guilty Face
This cat knows she is in trouble. She isn’t allowed to play around in the tree, but she did anyway. Her owner caught her in the act.

33. Cat Perch
According to the cat, the best place in the house to relax is on top of the tree. He can see everywhere in the living room, and it’s very safe. No one can disturb him up there.

34. Bird’s Eye View
It looks like this cat discovered the spot on the top of the tree too. Her arrangement looks a little more precarious though. The tree could tumble down at any moment.

Bored Panda
35. King Of Christmas
This beautiful cat looks extremely majestic perched on top of the tree. It’s amazing how nimble these animals are. They can climb anything and they almost never fall.

36. Reaching New Heights
This goofball is so close to the ceiling that she might hit her head. It’s a very big Christmas tree and scaling it was no easy feat. The cat feels like she is on top of the world.

37. Holiday Decorator
Decorating a tree to perfection can be very difficult. It takes a lot of careful placement and rearranging things to get it looking just right. Really, it is an art form.

Ania Mankowa
38. I’m Stuck
If you take your eyes off of the pets for a second, this is what happens. The owner fell asleep on the couch. When he woke up, the cat was halfway into the Christmas tree.

39. Cat Territory
When you have a cat, there is no reason to place presents underneath the tree. The cat occupies that space. Adding presents around would just be an intrusion.

Amelie Roberge
40. Wild Thing
One of the best parts about putting a tree in the house is that the cat gets to feel like a wild animal for a month. There is something deep in the genetics of the species that makes tree-climbing extremely pleasurable.

41. Pretty Lights
It seems like this kitten is definitely enjoying the Christmas tree. The ornaments and lights are so alluring. She is in love with the holiday.

42. Cat Christmas Party
It’s a holiday party for cats located in a cat cafe. The business owners set up a tree and decorations for all of the pets to play with. They are having an amazing time!

Lina Petkute
43. Moments To Remember
Here is another fantastic holiday picture. It will look great in the family Christmas album. The cat is framed perfectly by the branches of the tree.

Stan Marston
44. Cat Approves
“My mom sent me photos of her new Christmas tree. That cat seems to approve,” explains the man. We definitely agree. The cat looks very happy with the new addition to the home.

45. No Tree Necessary
This hilarious cat doesn’t even need the tree to have fun. All it needs is the stand that goes at the base. It is the perfect size for the cat to take a nap in.

Marie-Michele Normandin
46. Pure Amazement
Every kitten has to discover Christmas at some point. This is what it looks like when it occurs. The wide eyes of the kitten are completely filled with wonder.

47. Just A Taste
Christmas tree decorations aren’t normally known for being edible, but this cat is willing to test them out anyway. Maybe it will stumble upon something tasty. That is the hope, at least.

Bored Panda
48. Ripping It Down
Here we have another cat having a field day with the family tree. She is going to destroy it piece by piece. Give her an hour or two and there will be nothing left.

49. Furry Ornaments
Is it a Christmas tree ornament or a cat? We are having trouble deciding. If it wasn’t for the paw sticking out, it would easily pass for a big cat-shaped bulb.

Beth Daniels Loomis
50. Merry Christmas
This photo features one of the happiest cats that we’ve ever seen. It’s no surprise really. Cats love Christmas. They always want to get involved in the celebrations.

51. Caught A Cat
This funny cat looks right at home amongst the ornaments and garland. In fact, it even got itself tangled up a little bit. That is what happens when you play in the tree unsupervised…

52. Ornament Thief
Stealing the ornaments off of the tree is harder than you would think. The hooks have an annoying tendency to get stuck when you pull on them. It’s a difficult job, but someone has to do it.

53. Sparkling Silver
The artificial Christmas tree blew this cat’s mind. It had never seen one so small and shiny before. All of the ones it used to climb on in the past were always green.

54. Christmas Color Scheme
In this photo, the cat’s fur actually matches the colors of the ornaments. The feline is the perfect addition to the tree. She is a beautiful gray color, just like the little snowmen and ceramic bulbs.

Bored Panda
55. Sleeping In Comfort
The rug surrounding the bottom of this tree is made of a very comfortable material. The cats immediately discovered it. Now it’s the only place that they want to lay.

Mirjam Schutt
56. Strange Mirror
One of the coolest parts about Christmas bulbs is that you can see your reflection on them. Although, the image gets pretty distorted. It makes you look really funny.

57. Living Ornament
Hiding in this tree is a rare white cat ornament. It is one of a kind. Ornaments of this caliber can not be bought in your everyday Christmas store.

Teresa Soares
58. Similar Habits
It’s a pretty goofy place for a cat, but he’s not alone. Thousands of other cats do the same thing every Christmas. They climb up the tree and get lost in the branches.

59. Winter Wonderland
This Christmas tree is pretty neat. The branches are actually frosted to appear like they have snow on them. The cat is highly intrigued.

Danielle Windecker
60. Village Terror
Here is another giant cat that invaded a Christmas village. Hopefully, it doesn’t knock anything down. It could easily end up breaking things.

61. Reindeer Wannabe
Rudolf the reindeer has a red nose. This cat has a big silver one. It’s not as cool Rudolph’s, but it’s still pretty fun.

Mille E. Hanson
62. Undisclosed Location
There is a black cat somewhere tucked away in this tree. Can you find it? The cat definitely isn’t easy to see. Hint: look above the Link ornament.

63. Tiny Tree
Within two minutes of putting up this fake Christmas tree, the cat climbed on. It couldn’t wait any longer. It saw its opportunity and pounced on it.

64. Eager Climber
This fun-loving cat didn’t even let the owners decorate the tree first before jumping in. It crawled its way up through the branches and hung on for dear life. It’s like a natural cat jungle gym.

65. Contrasting Colors
If this was a normal green Christmas tree, the cat would be very hard to locate. However, her black fur contrasts with the white branches. She sticks out like a sore thumb.

Claudia Young
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