It’s a sad fact that so many cats, dogs, and other animals wind up in pounds and animal shelters after being abandoned or mistreated by their former owners. They sit and wait, hoping for their very own ‘happily ever after’ to arrive someday.
This is why it’s so important to adopt rescue animals. They all have so much life left to live and so much love left to give. All they need is a chance!
And when kindhearted people give these animals a chance, they repay them with kindness, loyalty, and endless affection, as the following images and stories show.
1) A Tough Life
This sweet pup is named Poundcake. He’s blind and deaf, but that doesn’t stop him from being one of the most loyal and loving friends his owner could ever have hoped for!

2) Too Cute
This little Corgi puppy looks so happy about being adopted, ready to start a whole new life with an owner that loves him.

3) The Best Hugs
With this long claws and beautiful eyes, this newly-adopted kitty cat looks like she gives the very best hugs.

4) Endless Affection
This lovely adopted Pitbull just doesn’t want to stop hugging his new owner. What a sweet picture!

5) Happy Ending
This kitten was ignored by many because she only had one eye, but she’s still just as loving and cuddly as all the others!

6) One Hour Later
This little kitty had only been in his new home for one hour when he snuggled up and went to sleep like this. Looks like he knew he was finally safe!

7) Those Eyes
When he first got to his new home, this cat spent a couple of weeks hiding all over the place, worried he might have to leave again! Eventually, he knew he was safe and snuggled up on his owner’s lap for this photo.

8) A New Friend
This is what adopting a rescue animal is all about! Only three hours after being in her new home, this lovely Pitbull was climbing all over her new owner for cuddles and kisses.

9) Ready For Anything
This pup might only have three legs, but he’s still ready to race around the yard and have fun with his new family! Plenty of cats and dogs survive just fine with three legs.

10) Age Is Just A Number
Many older cats and dogs get left behind at rescue shelters, as people tend to gravitate towards the younger and cuter animals. This man, however, decided to adopt an older cat and got a lot of love and cuddles in return.

11) A Very Good Boy
This is Kane. He’s almost deaf and nearly blind too, as well as being pretty old, but his kindhearted owners wanted to ensure that the last years of his life were happy ones.

12) Together Forever
These two brothers were living in a rescue shelter together. Their new owner simply couldn’t bear the thought of separating them, so decided to adopt both. Just look how cute they are!

13) Rainbow Family
This family only intended to adopt one cat, but when they saw these three siblings all together, looking so perfect side-by-side, they knew they had to take them all!

14) New Friends
Someone found this beautiful black kitten in the woods near their home and decided to adopt it. The family dog seems to have taken on an adoptive daddy role!

15) Aww!
After seeing that their cat was looking a little bored and lonely, this family decided to adopt a second kitty as a playmate. Looks like they’re getting along just fine.

16) So Small
Meet Coco, one of the tiniest and cutest kittens around. Looks like her new owner is already in love!

17) Lovely Daisy
Too many animals are ignored and overlooked because they look a little different. Sweet Daisy, for example, was one of the last cats in the shelter. Nobody wanted her because of her damaged ear, but then someone came along to give her a home.

18) Happy Boy On Board
After spending several years living in apartments with “No Pets Allowed” rules, this couple decided to move somewhere new so they could finally adopt their precious new pal: Gus.

19) Two In One
Have you spotted the second cat in this photo yet? The newly-adopted white cat is doing his best to fit in with his new big brother.

20) What A Cheeky Smile
The woman adopting this lovely dog was worried that the poor pup might struggle to truly feel at home, but it didn’t take long for her to settle in nicely.

21) Hey There!
This absolutely adorable pup has been in his new home for just one week and already got into the habit of hopping on the sofa and staring at his owner like this. Who can resist those big puppy eyes?

22) Gorgeous
This just might be one of the cutest rescue dogs we’ve ever seen! Say hi to Kida, who looks like a cross between a dog and a cuddly teddy bear.

23) Best Buds Forever
One of the loveliest parts about adopting a dog or cat is seeing the happy smiles on your kids’ faces when you bring your new pal home! Looks like a very special friendship is about to form between this boy and his dog.

24) That Smile Says It All
This happy girl seems to know she’s found the right owners and is heading back to her new forever home. She looks so peaceful and content.

25) That Look
If you’ve ever adopted a rescue pet, you’ll know that there’s a certain way they seem to look at you, like they want to say “Thank you!” with nothing but their eyes. It seems like this freshly-adopted pup is giving his owner that look as well.

26) Peek-A-Boo
During quarantine, a couple adopted this cute little kitty! Having a furry friend during the COVID lockdowns has helped a lot of people feel less lonely.

27) One Last Adventure
This rescue dog is pretty old, but that isn’t stopping him having the time of his life with his adventurous new owners. Here he is exploring the incredible landscapes of Moab, Utah.

28) Bat-Cat
This newly-adopted cat has apparently decided to make a little nest for herself on top of the kitchen cabinets. It looks like she’s getting ready to crawl right across the ceiling!

29) Great Doormat
As this funny doormat says, you might have to deal with a whole lot of hair around the house when you adopted a pup or a kitty, but that’s a small price to pay for all the love, cuddles, and joy they’ll bring into your life.

30) Looking Good
Meet Bentley, he’s a Collie/Lab mix living with his new owners in South Africa and looking very dapper indeed in his little suit.

31) One Thing Leads To Another
There are so many stories of families fostering kids and later adopting them, and the same happened with this fluffy friend too! During the lockdown, a family decided to foster this pup for a while, but after spending time with him, they realized they didn’t want to let him go.

32) Surprise!
This family was in for a big surprise. They adopted this black cat without realizing that she was pregnant with four little kitties.

33) A Great Day
This dog was quite scared on his first day in his new home, but after going for a walk with his new owner, he looks a whole lot happier.

34) Beautiful Black Cat
Did you know that black cats are among the most overlooked and ignored animals in rescue shelters? Lots of people pass them by, worrying that they’re ‘bad luck’ or simply thinking that they’re not as interesting or attractive as others, but black cats can be just as loving as the rest.

35) Good Morning
Someone adopted these two sweet babies. At first, they were super frightened and simply wanted to hide in the corner, but the next day, their new owner woke up with them sitting right beside him like this.

36) So Cozy
It was this kitten’s first day in his new home, and we can gradually see him getting more and more comfortable as time goes by. Sometimes rescue animals need a little time to adapt and might be frightened at first, but if you show them a lot of love, they’ll start to feel at home.

37) A Winning Smile
Billie was found as a stray. She had ear infections and rotting teeth, among other issues, but the shelter workers nursed her back to health and then a lovely lady drove over 2,000 miles to go and adopt her! What a story.

38) A Very Big Girl
Wow! This lady adopted a dog that almost seems to be bigger than her. Still, even the biggest of doggos deserve a happy home and lots of love too.

39) So Much Fluff
The person who adopted this big fluffball said that they feel “a lot less lonely” since bringing him into their life.

40) A Special Senior
This couple made the kindhearted choice to adopt a senior dog. Sure, they won’t get to spend as much time with him as they would with a puppy, but they’ll still be able to make lots of wonderful memories and give his life a truly happy ending.

41) Wanna Play?
This happy pup looks like she really wants her new owner to throw that stick and play a game of fetch with her.

42) Adopt One, Get One Free
Like a lot of people, the owners of these cats only originally intended to adopt one, but ended up falling in love with two!

43) Bath Time
If you adopt a rescue animal, you might have to deal with some health issues. This kitty was adopted with ringworm, so her new owner has to give her a lot of baths on a regular basis, and she doesn’t seem too pleased about it.

44) Happy Times
Imagine getting home each day and seeing these fluffy little bundles waiting to greet you! Their new owner is a very lucky person.

45) Good Luck
The idea of black cats being bad luck is a silly old superstition, and to prove how wrong it is, this cat’s new owners decided to call him Lucky.

46) Patience Is Key
It took two months for this dog to adjust to her new home, but her owner showed a lot of patience and helped her see that she was safe, loved, and wanted.

47) A Charming Smile
This pup must have won his new owner’s heart with that adorable smile! He’s so happy to have found his forever home.

48) Man’s Best Friend
Since the first day this dog came home, he’s shown nothing but love and affection to his owner. This is yet another example of how loving and loyal rescue animals can be.

49) His Memory Lives On
On the left, we can see a cat named Mr Grey, who passed away after many happy years with his owner. After he passed, she felt like she could never have another cat, until she met sweet little Gracie, who was named in his honor.

50) Hoppy Ever After
As well as all the dogs and cats, let’s not forget that there are plenty of other furry friends out there who need rescuing too! This person rescued a beautiful fluffy bunny named Onyx, and there are other rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, and more all waiting for happy homes.

It’s inspiring to see all these lovely photos of happy rescue animals in their new homes. Each one has been given a second chance, and each of their owners should be proud of doing the right thing and offering them all a better life. Share the list around to inspire your friends and family to think about adopting a rescue pet too!