The Dachshund, also affectionately called the “Sausage dog” is a remarkable breed.
Originally bred to burrow underground and retrieve animals like rabbits and foxes. They’ve got keen noses, and they’re even keener to have fun!

They’re small and suitable for indoor living, but you may not know that they have excellent senses of smell and are actually a breed of scent hound.
You may not see your dachshund dragging a rabbit out of its burrow, but you are likely to see them frolicking!

One video, of one particularly excitable sausage dog is a real rollicking romp!
This is Pepper, and she just loves playing on the bed. So much so, that when she’s allowed on top of it, she goes absolutely wild. She has simple interests, but watching her have the time of her life is simply the most fun you can have.

Running around in circles, she just can’t get enough of her favorite place.
Oh, to be a dog, with such simple pleasures in life. Pepper loses her mind over how much fun she’s having pacing back and forth over the bed like a deranged rocket. Given that there isn’t any bedding on the bed, I wonder if this is an area specifically for Pepper to play on.

Her passion for playing on the bed is so adorable and the fun she’s having is infectious.
As she whips back and forth, she bounces on the bed like a two year old when Mom isn’t looking. Is this what happens when dachshunds don’t have rabbits to hunt? They completely lose their minds? Is she running from something imaginary? OR she chasing something imaginary? Pepper leaves us with so many questions.

When she finally does stop, it’s only for a second.
At last however, you can see how cute this little wiener dog actually is. She has such a sweet little face, which you can hardly see when she’s rocketing back and forth over the bed. But hey, passion is passion. And this dachshund has a passion, for dashin’.

The Dashing Dachshund will take any opportunity to frolick, alone or not!
Night or day, when this pup gets her time on the bed, she explodes with fun.

And she’s actually not the only dog in that house who enjoys jumping around on the bed.
Although her furry friend seems a little less infatuated with the bed itself than she is. While Pepper is mad about running back and forth on the bed, the other dog is happy just playing with its stuffed racoon toy.

But Pepper can not be distracted from her romping!
There’ a cat’s tail poking out from behind a pillow. The cat is right to be hiding behind a pillow while Pepper is doing her thing, I would not want to get in her way! She ricochets around like a bullet with floppy ears. A madness seems to overtake her, but I am here for it, simply because it’s so cute.

Watch the full video below to enjoy Pepper’s bed-top larking!
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