People online are having a heyday trying to spot the cat lurking in this garden
It took me longer than I'd like to admit. 🧐😹
Jaclyn Abergas

Ever had to look for a cat?

Like, in the outdoor world, I mean? It can be a challenge, to say the least. They’re animals of stealth and trickery, and even worse, they blend right into their surroundings.

While people who grew up with cats can usually spot them right away, it takes a while for most people to find them if they’re not out in the open.

And, sometimes even when they are.

Twitter - East Bay Hardware
Twitter - East Bay Hardware

Sometimes, they don’t find the cat at all.

Max the cat is technically not hiding in this photo. People just have a hard time spotting him.

Max’s human took this photo of their garden center and asked their followers to look for Max.

“It’s a gorgeous day in Charleston (maybe our last for a few months) and Max is happily hiding in the garden center. Do you see him?” Max wrote.

Maybe it was meant to be a fun game to show how sneaky cats can get.

Twitter - East Bay Hardware
Twitter - East Bay Hardware

Can you find Max?

Cats love to stay in different areas to get their rest, to get a bird’s eye view of the area, to look out for predators, and to get their space away from their humans.

When Max was chilling in the garden center, he probably just wanted to get some space or to plan their escape.

Pexels - Henda Watani
Pexels - Henda Watani

Did you find him?

It’s hard to find Max, too, because there are so many things going on in this picture. There are plants everywhere.

There are herb pots and flower pots. There are bags of fertilizers, buckets of trash, and brown and green everywhere.

Twitter - East Bay Hardware
Twitter - East Bay Hardware

Where could Max be?

Some of the followers who joined in on the fun said they spotted Max almost immediately. Mainly because they had cats on their laps helping them look for Max.

There were some who said that they found Max almost immediately because that’s exactly where their cat would hide, too.

Twitter - East Bay Hardware
Twitter - East Bay Hardware

Some followers spoiled the fun.

They posted in the replies where Max was lounging. They probably couldn’t help themselves.

Then there were some who were concerned about Max and told him to “stay hydrated!”

Have you found Max yet?

Pexels - Anas Jawed
Pexels - Anas Jawed

Cats also love to spend time at certain places for several reasons. One, they’re hiding from potential predators and they just want to sleep.

Sometimes, they also love the scent and warmth of that location so they keep going back.

There are also times when they love to hide low on the ground or high above so they can plan their escape route. We wonder what they’re trying to escape from.

Your cat could also be stressed and just need to be alone with peace and quiet.

Has the crafty cat shown himself yet?

It’s also hard to find cats who don’t want to be seen if their coats match their surroundings.

It’s hard to find brown cats who lie down beside wooden walls. Or maybe it’s a white cat against a white wall.

Pexels - Francesco Ungaro
Pexels - Francesco Ungaro

Have you finally found where Max is lounging?

Shall we finally reveal his location?

Here it goes! Spot Max lounging by the hanging flower pots low on the ground.

Do you see him?

Twitter - East Bay Hardware
Twitter - East Bay Hardware

Max is one stealthy little lounge cat. At this point, he might as well be a sphinx in the world of garden gnomes.

How’d you do? Did you spot him right away or did you have to admit defeat and cheat like the rest of us?

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
