Parrots are known for being noisy, clever, and a little outspoken- but did you know that they also need lots of sleep?
According to Pet Central, “Most pet birds do best with between 10 and 12 hours of darkness a night. This is a generality; some species do better with a little more than 12 hours of sleep, others like less than eight, but most need somewhere around the 10 to 12 hour mark.”
It’s hard to imagine a parrot being sleepy, as we’re used to seeing them backchatting their owners and generally being show-offs – but it turns out that a parrot’s tropical background is the reason behind their need for lots of sleep.
“The majority of parrots are tropical or subtropical, meaning they live near the equator where there are 12 hours of darkness every night,” Ken Welle, DVM, told Pet Central. In the wild, parrots are awake from sunrise to sunset, which amounts to about 12 hours on average, and sleep from sunset to sunrise the other 12 hours in the day.”
When a video of a sleepy bird was posted on YouTube by Rumble Viral, our hearts instantly melted.
Captioned, “Looks like Tweety the parrot could stay in bed all day. Considering how cozy that looks, it’s hard to blame the little guy!” the video shows Tweety the parrot snuggled up in the comfiest looking blanket. But it isn’t long before her peace is disturbed.
Along comes a blue parrot, and unlike his friend, he’s wide awake. The blue parrot just wants to play and hang out together, and he does his best to wake Tweety up, by chirping loudly and gently pecking at his buddy’s head. What a great wake up call.
But despite her friend’s best efforts, Tweety still refuses to wake up. She’s simply much too comfortable.
Next up, the blue parrot tries a new tactic. He snuggles his head against Tweety and closes his eyes. Maybe she will wake up if she sees just how loving and affectionate he’s being?
This goes on for a couple of minutes before Tweety’s friend finally admits defeat. We’re sure it won’t be long before Tweety is awake – but in the meantime, her friend will just have to amuse himself.
People took to the YouTube comments to share their love for the video, with one person saying:
“How could anyone not love the cute sleepy bird. Parrots are such lovely birds and they are so caring and affectionate.”
“Blue bird: ‘Remember, you come from a long line of arboreal jungle warriors!’ Yellow bird: ‘You know, this whole Western Civilization thing really isn’t so bad.'” Another person joked from the birds’ perspectives.
A final person explained the reason behind the birds’ excessive snuggles, saying:
“Tweety (the yellow one) is a female and the reason they are both being so cuddly is because their nesting instincts are being indulged.”
How adorable! Watch the sweet video below for an instant pick-me-up.
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