Paralyzed Pit Bull Lies On Floor - Watch The Moment Her Veteran Dad Comes Home After 6 Months
She completely lost it when she saw her dad for the first time in 6 months!
Rachel Shapiro

The Swansons are a loving family who have opened their home up to numerous dogs. One day, they decided to add one more dog to their home: a special needs pit bull named Emma.

Emma has a birth defect called Polyradiculitis, which she got from a toxoplasmosis infection in utero. This disease causes inflammation in the dog’s nerves and muscle contractions. The disease has also paralyzed Emma’s back legs. Most puppies with this disease die soon after birth. But miraculously, Emma survived and thrived.

Emma loves her family, but she’s especially close with her dad, who is a U.S. Air Force Officer. When he was deployed for six months, both Emma and her dad were devastated to say goodbye.


When his six-month deployment was up, Emma’s dad returned home. Melissa Swanson, the Airman’s wife, shot video of the moment that the loving father was reunited with his dogs. Grab some tissues before you watch—you’re going to need them!

Emma’s siblings ran over to their dad, jumping on him and crying with joy. Emma crawled across the floor, unable to contain her excitement. Her dad picked her up and held her tightly as her face lit up with pure joy.

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In the video description, Swanson answered a question many viewers had: why didn’t Emma use a wheelchair? She wrote:

Emma has had several wheelchairs. Unfortunately, she refuses to use any of them. We have had custom ones made even. We have worked with the companies to teach her to use it, but she will have nothing to do with it or with a “drag bag” or harness.

She’s always been this way. Emma has no idea she’s “special”. She loves life and runs and plays well on her own outdoors. She just has a little trouble on the tile indoors. We do have rugs layed out for her all over the house, but we did not have any in this hallway at the time. That’s why you see her hopping to him.

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Emma is a sweet dog who loves her family and doesn’t let anything get her down. She’s also a daddy’s girl through-and-through! Check out the touching video of Emma and her dad’s reunion below.

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