Cat turns & has priceless reaction when she reads sign owner wrote calling her out for overeating
That look says it all. She’s offended! 😂
Kristin Danley-Greiner

Teenage boys seemingly have voracious appetites. Toddlers constantly graze as if they’re a bottomless pit.

Heck, even adults find themselves constantly hungry, particularly if they’re bored or feeling emotional. Then there are some people with metabolisms that many of us wish we had. The ones who can eat a whole pizza by themselves and never gain an ounce.

Flickr/Sam DeLong
Flickr/Sam DeLong

Pets aren’t immune from overeating. Oftentimes animals who were starved or abandoned tend to snarf their food and always want more.

Suraci Rue, a beautiful tortoiseshell cat, is the sweetest girl who joined her family as a kitten. Nothing frightening ever crossed her path.

But boy that girl can eat!

Facebook/Kami Netz
Facebook/Kami Netz

Suraci Rue’s mom Kami Netz shared how she’s literally the purrfect cat.

“She is a very curious cat and has to be involved in everything you’re doing. She is super affectionate and listens as well as a cat can.”

The Dodo/Kami Netz
The Dodo/Kami Netz

The only thing about Suraci Sue that surprises her mom is how much she can chow down. She never, ever wants to stop eating.

Even if Suraci Sue has just polished off her dinner, she will beg and plead and bat those beautiful eyes at someone to try and get them to feed her again.

“She will love you up hoping you will fill her bowl in return.”

The Dodo/Kami Netz
The Dodo/Kami Netz

Mindful of her weight and her health, Kami pays attention to just how much Suraci Rue actually eats. Extra pounds on a cat can make your feline prone to develop type 2 diabetes and advance arthritis.

They can even stop grooming themselves properly. Melissa Mustillo, DVM, a veterinarian at A Cat Clinic in Maryland, said cats also will overeat out of boredom just like a human.

“When they’re bored, they think, ‘I might as well go eat. … Oh, look there’s no food in my bowl, I’m going to bother mom for more food.”

Flickr/I am R.
Flickr/I am R.

A fluffy cat might hide some extra weight while shorthairs will show it more clearly. Weight can vary between breeds, but there’s a general rule of thumb to follow for all felines.

“Cats should have that hourglass figure when you’re looking down at them, they shouldn’t have a saggy belly hanging down, and you should be able to feel their ribs.”

Flickr/Lisa Zins
Flickr/Lisa Zins

Philip J. Shanker, DVM, owner of The Cat Hospital in California, said it’s simple to fall prey to a cat that seems starving but really isn’t.

“The problem for us is we like to spoil our cats, and the cats like to eat, so it’s easy to overfeed a little bit.”
Flickr/Julian Dunn
Flickr/Julian Dunn
Kami’s solution to Suraci Rue’s overeating tendency might be a bit untraditional, but based on the look the cat gave her when she saw the sign, it must have done the trick.
She made a sign that apparently peeved off the cat.

“Suraci thinks she’s hungry all of the time, which inspired me to make the sign.”

Facebook/Kami Netz
Facebook/Kami Netz
The sign reads:

“The cat has been fed, don’t believe her bullsh*t.”

Kami, a photographer, had everything she needed to make the sign. Now if only the sign would work and remind others that Suraci Rue didn’t need an extra helping of dinner.

But when Suraci Rue saw it, she was less than impressed. In fact, she seemed … offended.

Facebook/Kami Netz
Facebook/Kami Netz

Kami caught her cat on camera sitting in front of the sign almost as if she was reading it. Then Suraci Rue turned around and gave her mom a sassy look, almost a glance of detest and contempt aimed at her.

How insulting, she seemed to convey.

“When it looked like she was reading the sign it didn’t surprise me at all, she’s a fairly intelligent and comical cat.”

Flickr/Mark Turnauckas
Flickr/Mark Turnauckas

Even though the sign was meant to help others know when the cat has already eaten and to avoid overfeeding her, it hasn’t stopped Suraci Rue from trying! The silly girl still begs for more and more often than not, still gets her way.

She’s just too darn cute to say no to it seems!

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