Owner can’t stop laughing when she gets call about dogs crazy looking haircut
After months of being unable to get a haircut Cheddar's owner was thrilled when PetSmart finally opened back up, but never did mom anticipate Cheddar’s haircut to leave her with tears running down her face after the hilarious experience.
Irene Markianou

If you have ever had a dog, then you probably know that trips to the groomer are not their favorite.

Many dogs experience stress and anxiety when it is time to be groomed, and their reactions to this process can vary from light stress to severe anxiety issues like panting, whining, or even becoming physically ill.

Unsplash/ Александр Гросс
Unsplash/ Александр Гросс

According to experts, it could be that their pre-existing grooming stress could be combined with motion sickness that can be caused by the car ride to get to the groomer. In this case, the dog arrives at the grooming session already stressed, which does not help at all.

A good idea to prevent your dog from being traumatized by the grooming experience could be to train it beforehand.

It is true that animals don’t want to be touched in sensitive areas like their paws, tail, or groin, which is something that inevitably happens during grooming.

Unsplash/ Ramiro Pianarosa
Unsplash/ Ramiro Pianarosa

For this reason, it might be useful to introduce the animal to such handling, possibly by offering a treat every time you mention a part of their body and they let you touch it.

Of course, every dog owner has their own tricks to get their dog to cooperate during grooming sessions because everyone knows it is important to get it done. It is not only a matter of appearance, but it also has to do with the dog’s hygiene. After all, how can you keep your dog clean and healthy when it has long, matted fur?


But, necessary as grooming might be, some dogs just don’t seem to be willing to cooperate and get it over with. They will resist with all their might and some will even win. Like Cheddar did in our story.

Cheddar is an 8-year old white dog, who was in dire need of a haircut after months in quarantine with his mom, Lisa Torres.

All this time, PetSmart had been closed due to the pandemic, and Torres couldn’t have Cheddar’s hair cut, so she was excited when she heard they were reopening a couple of weeks ago.


As soon as PetSmart reopened, Torres booked an appointment to have her doggie groomed. So, on June 19th they arrived at the pet store. Some time later, Torres found herself back in her car with Cheddar, his hair still uncut.

“Petsmart finally opened up for grooming so I took cheddar to get a much needed cut from his groomer. A couple minutes later I get a call from her saying she couldn’t do his cut because he bit her twice. Now I have to walk around with this dude looking crazy,” Torres explained in a Facebook post.


Apparently, Cheddar couldn’t stand being handled and he was determined to resist. This had as a result him going around with crazy hair that also impede his vision.

His mom could barely contain herself and she burst out laughing when she saw him.

“I swear when [I] say [I] had tears in my eyes and stomach pains from laughing so hard. I couldn’t even leave the parking lot for a good 10 minutes because I had to get myself together,” she added.


Cheddar, for the time being, still sports the same haircut until his mom finds a way to have him groomed properly. But he’s such a stubborn little guy, apparently!

Cheddar even has his own Facebook page where his fans can get an idea of his daily adventures. Let’s hope there will be an update on his much needed haircut soon!

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