Owner gets ’emotional’ as he explains what elderly street dog means to him
You can feel the love radiating from these two.
Maria Pangilinan

This is a touching and beautiful story about an elderly dog who received a second chance at life.

Niall Harbison rescues and saves dogs in Thailand. His team got calls from several people about a dog that was really struggling living on the street.

When they saw videos of Lady the dog, they knew they had to get to her right away.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

When she was picked up, they knew from first sight that her condition was terrible. Lady was extremely filthy and covered in ticks.

“She obviously couldn’t walk, so we could tell maybe that she’d been paralyzed or [had] a spinal issue. The outlook was really bad,” Harbison shared.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

They did their best to care for her as much as they could, such as grooming her as quickly as possible to make her feel more comfortable. The team also gave her painkillers, tick medicine, and washed her.

When they gave her a bath, the water turned dark brown and it took them three or four washes to finally get her clean.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

Lady was still having trouble walking and when they gave her an X-ray, it showed that she had a broken hip.

They treated her with pain medicine and acupuncture, and they cured her anemia. This treatment gave Lady back her strength and she was able to start walking again.

Soon, she became so active that they said she wouldn’t stop walking.

The improvement in her demeanor was obvious, and she looked happier and healthier than ever.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

“She’s not perfect, there’s not much we can do with the hips because she’s too old to operate on,” he also shared.

They estimate that her injury happened at least three to six months ago, which makes the injury old and can no longer be operated on.

However, Lady doesn’t seem to mind her disability and walks around like a speed machine.

“She will not stop, she’s got a new lease on life. That’s especially true when she met her second miracle, which was Jamie her owner,” Harbison said.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

Jamie is a retiree from Toronto, Canada now living in Koh Samui. Jamie was shy at first asking the people who cared for Lady if he could take her to live with him.

Harbison shared that they were blown away when Jamie wanted to take Lady because it’s hard to get a dog adopted, but to get a dog that age and in that condition adopted was next to impossible.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

“This was like winning the lottery for Lady,” Harbison said. When Jamie and Lady look at each other, you can tell they love each other deeply.

Thanks to her rescuers and to her new owner, Lady has not given up on life. She loves her walks, her swims, and she loves Jamie.

The change in Lady has been tremendous.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

The difference from the first day she was rescued when she could barely lift her back legs to what she is now is amazing.

Lady is a different dog who has gotten her dignity back.

When asked about Lady, he started tearing up.

“Lady used to lay by the side of the road where I lived and she seemed like she was declining really fast and then all of a sudden, people were coming to her rescue and I’m forever grateful.”

Jamie described Lady as the sweetest, gentlest, trusting animal you can imagine with a beautiful spark in her eye.

YouTube Happy Doggo
YouTube Happy Doggo

When he was asked what Lady meant to him, he answered, “Hope. Miracles.”

While he can’t bring home Jamie yet because he’s not allowed to have a dog in his current residence, he’s excited to bring home Lady in a few weeks to a new home with outdoor space.

Jamie shared that he’s looking forward to bringing Lady to where she will come to spend the rest of her life with him.

We love how Lady and Jamie found each other!

Watch the video of Lady being rescued and adopted by Jamie below!

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