Owning a dog is like inviting a messy child to live in your house for the foreseeable future. All longtime dog owners can attest that the sacrifice is worth it to have a companion who is always there for you! Despite it being “worth it,” it doesn’t always feel easy.

We have all done things for our dogs that frustrated us.

When I was a teenager, my dog, a Peekapoo breed (Pekingnese and poodle), got stuck in a pond chasing a goose and lost energy in the middle of the chase. Who stripped and jumped in to save the little punk? You guessed it.
This owner understands the struggle of a stubborn dog!

When our pets are having a “moment,” us owners are there to help. Sometimes this moment comes from a rescue dog experiencing trauma and feeling that trauma again, even if it isn’t a threat. For other dogs, it is simply a timidity that they were born with!
Regardless of whether the pet is being reasonable or not, it is our job to help them through it.

Like any good parent, we have to help our pups out when they need it. This dog owner in a shopping mall had one of those experiences and it was caught on video.
A man and his dog…

While the two were walking through the shopping mall, the duo had to go on an escalator in order to continue to the place they were heading. The man and his golden retriever were walking as normal until an escalator appeared.
Who knows the experience this dog had with escalators. All we know is that she refused to move!

When the time came to get on the escalator, the golden retriever stopped in her tracks. Sitting down and refusing to move, her owner crouched down to see what was wrong. Trying his best to convince her it was okay, her owner talked that soothing “dog voice” we all have. It still didn’t work.
After some time, the owner realized they weren’t getting anywhere with the conversation.

Looking at his options, the owner knew what to do. Crouching down and scooping up the big dog in his arms, he hopped on the escalator like a man with an oversized baby!
This gives some validity to the name “fur baby.”

Dogs are often called “fur babies” and that may never have been more accurate than here! The man literally carries the dog while her snout pokes over his head and shoulder. It looks like a man is carrying a large, furry baby.
Once the video was posted, it went viral.

Obviously, this moment was incredibly cute. I think that one of the other reasons that this video went viral is the fact that anyone who has a dog understands this dilemma. You can’t reason with a dog. Sometimes you just have to pick it up and carry on!
Maybe he could have just used the elevator!

Upon watching the video, some people are saying that the man could have just used the elevator. You know what? Who cares. The man did the best thing he knew how and now the dog might be a bit more comfortable with the escalator for next time!
Check out the video below!
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